why are my teeps weak?


Green Belt
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
So I always thought I had a great push kick but ive recently discovered that my teeps are fuckin weak. I'm a tall lean guy with really long legs, and I can teep someone in the face before they even know it...with that said the point of the teep kick is to push off an opponent that is crowding you. We were doing a drill today where our partner wore chest protectors and kind of rushed us, and we had to alternate front and rear teeps to knock them back. Well I'd get mine up there pretty quick (and even caught him in the jaw by accident once because I'm pretty flexible) but it just felt like I had nothing behind it. It was pushing me back more than it was pushing him back most of the time. I checked my technique over and over and I was doing it right, just not really sure what the problem is. Is it possible because he weighed alot more than me? Or do I need to train something specific to get a little more power out of it? Thanks for any input.
It could be a combination of those things. Are your hips and legs strong? I think most of your power comes from that. I always pop my hips as hard as I can and make guys fly back...

what is your build like?
when your pushing forward dont bring your chest and body forward, you want to lean back and fire your hips at him. teeping someone in the chin, too me sounds like your aiming a bit high, we do tons of teep work, but we also aim for the belly pad. the foot on the ground should have your heel slightly lifted to give you the ability to push and not be knocked back off balance. you really need to fire your hips forward though.

make sure your not falling backwards or forwards after you teep also, good balance means you could fire a second one without putting your foot down if they came back in quickly.

maybe your timing was off as well? could be too early, so they are running into you after you have fired your hips forward, or maybe too late causing you too be crowded and not getting your body in motion to get good stregth on it.

really im sure it will come, just keep at it :p
when your pushing forward dont bring your chest and body forward, you want to lean back and fire your hips at him. teeping someone in the chin, too me sounds like your aiming a bit high, we do tons of teep work, but we also aim for the belly pad. the foot on the ground should have your heel slightly lifted to give you the ability to push and not be knocked back off balance. you really need to fire your hips forward though.

make sure your not falling backwards or forwards after you teep also, good balance means you could fire a second one without putting your foot down if they came back in quickly.

maybe your timing was off as well? could be too early, so they are running into you after you have fired your hips forward, or maybe too late causing you too be crowded and not getting your body in motion to get good stregth on it.

really im sure it will come, just keep at it :p

good info, thanks!
It could be a combination of those things. Are your hips and legs strong? I think most of your power comes from that. I always pop my hips as hard as I can and make guys fly back...

what is your build like?

I'm 6' 150 lbs. I'm started strength training recently and have increased my squats from 135 to 165, and my deadlift is about 210 for the 3x5. I believe maybe I wasn't as focused on popping my hips out and as the other guy said timing could have been the problem as well.
I'm 6' 150 lbs. I'm started strength training recently and have increased my squats from 135 to 165, and my deadlift is about 210 for the 3x5. I believe maybe I wasn't as focused on popping my hips out and as the other guy said timing could have been the problem as well.

im 6' 205 and usualy push people around with my teeps a lot, but theres another guy thats about 6' 150-160 at my gym and he caught me with some good teeps last week that winded me. im fairly new at MT, but just from that size isnt everything, with good form you can be strong and bring plenty of pain :D
for some reason I doubt you are using the correct form, not trying to flame, but it COULD be because he was very strong/heavy, the body protector +plus him coming forward could have helped (and knocked you back), hard to tell without seeing them, I'm assuming you don't want to post a vid?
yes exactly, I think it was more an issue of timing and him being much heavier than I am. I probably could use a little more explosive strength in my legs as well.
just practice, practice, practice, throw a hundred foot jabs in a row back and fourth like Kaew did in that video every day (or more), this is the best way to develop a strong foot jab in my opinion, not that you should neglect weight lifting, sprinting, etc. but you just cannot beat the muscle memory and your working EXACTLY the muscles needed to throw the teep
Do you practice your teeps on a heavy/banana bag?

Teeping the bag forward, then teeping it again as it comes back to you is also a good way to build power into your teeps. It also helps you with your balance.
If I had to guess you probably aren't shooting your hips properly and using too much leg. WIthout seeing a video I can't really give better advice than that.