Why all the Overeem hate?


Green Belt
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not a huge fan, but man people around here HATE this guy. Ever since last night whenever his name is mentioned people immediately: CAIN IS GONNA KILL HIM HE HAS NO CHANCE JDS WOULD KILL HIM blah blah, and it boggles my mind.

I don't like or dislike him as a person, but as a fighter? The dude is absolutely solid as fuck. His striking credentials are head and shoulders above anyone in that division, he has a nice submission resume in mma and there's no doubt that Ubereem is a different beast than LHW Overeem (regarding his LHW losses).

I'm not saying he's going to beat Cain or JDS, but I think it's fair to say he has a good chance, and for what it's worth anyone saying how horrible he is every time his name is mentioned are just as silly, if not more unjustifiably silly than the people saying he'll kill JDS or Cain, because like it or not that's a distinct possibility.

tl;dr: Overeems a pretty cool guy he eats horses and doesn't afraid of anything
I think it is how AD comes across, he acts like he is the man, shows zero humility and also like the booing fans he made a condescending comment on twitter about JDS after his loss.

Seems like a likeable good guy right there.
bunch of people want to demonize him for cheating while blindly turning their eye to the countless others who are doing the same thing
He is direct, integral and honest, something not so common in these days.
he's a caulk guy. great physique, world champ, bangs 10's... we should all hate him lol
He eats horses.

Noone who eats horses can be a fan favourite.
He is direct, integral and honest, something not so common in these days.

I think it is how AD comes across, he acts like he is the man, shows zero humility and also like the booing fans he made a condescending comment on twitter about JDS after his loss.

Seems like a likeable good guy right there.

JDS come across as very dislikable also and every other thing he says is demeaning to another fighter. Seems like a likeable guy right there.
He cheated to transform himself from a lhw who got overpowered by Shogun into a hw who pretty much outmuscled Brock Lesnar. I can't think of another fighter who gained anywhere near the advantage Overeem has by using PEDs.
JDS come across as very dislikable also and every other thing he says is demeaning to another fighter. Seems like a likeable guy right there.

I could have sworn this thread was about ubereem?
I think it is how AD comes across, he acts like he is the man, shows zero humility and also like the booing fans he made a condescending comment on twitter about JDS after his loss.

Seems like a likeable good guy right there.

He had every right to talk shit about JDS after JDS had been talking shit about Overeem for months. Karma is a bitch
I could have sworn this thread was about ubereem?

Supercharged has a deep-seated desire for Junior to make him his woman. He tries to disguise both that fact and his tiny, malformed penis by bashing him.

He had every right to talk shit about JDS after JDS had been talking shit about Overeem for months. Karma is a bitch

Sherdog: where it is more reprehensible to get angry at a cheater than it is to cheat.
dude looks huge. dude talked mad shit about not juicing. dude got caught juicing.

I don't hate him. Nor do i like him. But his fans on here are delusional saying he is the HW GOAT and will slaughter every HW in the UFC with ease. That shit is weak.
He's foreign
He's half black
He is huge
He is handsome
He bags hot white women
He has charisma
He got caught using TRT

This all spells jealousy from the MMA community, point blank period.