as i said before, many guys, could go on for awhile. meldric taylor was huge for a 140 pounder, cornelius boza edwards was like 5-8 and 130, that sounds crazy to me. I remember when i was a teen, i weighed about 125 and if I'd fought, i'd probably have been 118 at 16 years old. in those days, i'd go to competitiions and the welterweights would look huge to me, now, I don't even know if I could ever get down to 160 again, the last time i did, my best friend thought i was sick. some people just have good metabolisms though too, my old trainer, one I never really liked but he was amazing for how much muscle he packed into a 5-10 frame, the only guy who actually hurt to roll with because his muscles were so dense, i heard he could press 400 at one time, never saw him do it though. it's too bad he was such a punk, he fought a few big fights but he never put himself out there like the top guys did, I think he got some kind of vicarious thrill over having his fighters do his fights butI don'tnow he was a wierd one.