Who's Next for Pavlik?!?!?


Blue Belt
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
Whats the word on Pavliks next fight?
Whos Worthy of a Shot at his Middleweight Championship?
Hes facing Gary Lockett in June. Thats his mandatory I believe.

After that it will get interesting. Id love for him to move up and fight the winner of B-Hop/Calzaghe.

Another interesting fight would be him mixing it up with Chad Dawson.
Calzaghe wants him and Calzaghe has to be the betting favorite to win tomorrow. If he does, it would be a fun fight. Pavlik can crack hard so it's no sure bet for Joe Cal to win.
John Duddy was a name being thrown around but I guess he looked bad enough in his last fight that its not happening.
If he wasn't scheduled to lose his life against Vernon Forrest, I'd like to see Sergio Mora sacrificed Kelly. Maybe that can be after his next tough fight.

Failing that, I'd love to see a Librado Andrade Vs Kelly Pavlik fight....All action all the time.
He's fighting Lockett and I hope Lockett wins, however unlikely, mainly because I know the guy.
Chad Dawson v Pavlik at a catchweight would be awesome. That fight simply could not suck; the laws of physics forbid it.
I think some of the guys that have already been mentioned would be good choices - Winky or the winner of B-Hop/Calzaghe.

The winner of the Miranda/Abraham fight would be another possibility.

I think I'd like to see Calzaghe fight Pavlik. I know a lot of people disagree, but I don't think Calzaghe has done enough to be considered an elite fighter, even if he wins tomorrow. Assuming he beats B-Hop, what has he done in his career? He beat an overrated Lacy, an aging Hopkins, a ton of European nobodies, and Mikael Kessler. I'd love to see him get his ass handed to him, and Pavlik could be the man to do it. Not many people in that division hit as hard as Pavlik, and Cal's been dropped before.
It would be awesome to see him face Winky Wright.. or Calzaghe even more so if he gets past Hopkins.
I'd love to see him get his ass handed to him
I don't get this attitude in any fight.. unless you genuinely dislike Joe (in this case) for a reason?

Or are you simply a Pavlik diehard fan (which is more understandable, I suppose). I think what most people would love to see between the two is a case where the best man wins, convincingly or otherwise.
It would be awesome to see him face Winky Wright.. or Calzaghe even more so if he gets past Hopkins.

Winky lost his last fight so he does not deserve a shot against Kelly imo.
I prefer Kelly vs the winner of Calzaghe-Hopkins