Who would love to see GSP temporarily move up to MW!


Nov 7, 2009
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And get some easy fights? After beating Diaz and Hendricks of course. Kind of like what Silva did when there's no good contenders at middleweight.

Maybe someone like Leben or Munoz?

And of course GSP doesn't HAVE to move up. But it would be entertaining for sure.
After he fights diaz hendricks ellenberger kim macdonald maia and possibly benson henderson sure!
Agree with the idea. Could be like Silva be ranked #5 at LHW for a while. There's winnable top 10 fights for him but a lot of them could also beat him. Be an interesting challenge
If GSP can't finish a slice of pizza at 170, how is he going to hurt anybody at 185?? Of course he could hold a handful of those guys down but he wouldn't finish anybody in 185.
If GSP can't finish a slice of pizza at 170, how is he going to hurt anybody at 185?? Of course he could hold a handful of those guys down but he wouldn't finish anybody in 185.

Spot on.
I wouldn't. In his absence the WW division has completely revamped itself with contenders. There is no longer any shortage of fights for GSP, and thus no reason for him to move up to 185 (other than spectacle).
If GSP can't finish a slice of pizza at 170, how is he going to hurt anybody at 185?? Of course he could hold a handful of those guys down but he wouldn't finish anybody in 185
not finishing =/= losing
After he fights diaz hendricks ellenberger kim macdonald maia and possibly benson henderson sure!

Agreed, GSP is one of my all time favorite fighters, but he has alot of challenges at 170, and this list is a good start, he wants to fight more, well lets see you rip through these 6 or 7 monsters, I feel he has the talent to do it, just has to be more active and keep the new fire stoked. Take them out in th next two years, thats 3 fights a year leavin Bendo to rip through the LW division.
If GSP can't finish a slice of pizza at 170, how is he going to hurt anybody at 185?? Of course he could hold a handful of those guys down but he wouldn't finish anybody in 185.

Not to mention his was savagely beaten down by a fat LW with only 2 (T)KO victories in his entire career
Even though GSP has said repeatedly that he would never do this?

It's a permanent move or none at all.
If GSP can't finish a slice of pizza at 170, how is he going to hurt anybody at 185?? Of course he could hold a handful of those guys down but he wouldn't finish anybody in 185.


Even though GSP has said repeatedly that he would never do this?

It's a permanent move or none at all.

This is the correct answer. If he does,big if,he'll be staying there. Not such an easy transition as many people make it out to be.
If GSP can't finish a slice of pizza at 170, how is he going to hurt anybody at 185?? Of course he could hold a handful of those guys down but he wouldn't finish anybody in 185.

Couldn't agree more.
hell yeah and on is spare time why not pick a fight with some HW .( siboire cest pas une machine) :rolleyes:
MW is almost completely devoid of well rounded fighters so I think GSP would run through the contenders. As someone previously mentioned GSP does not want to do a temporary move and he has consistently talked about taking time off to change his body to fit the new division. Understand that were weight classes not in existence GSP would have long since allowed himself to bulk up to enhance his athleticism.

I'd like to see GSP eventually take the MW belt. Besides Silva though I think the greater challenges will be found at WW. There are so many well rounded fighters there. IMO none of Silva's fights at MW were against opponents who could present the diversity of threats that Condit posed to GSP. Its a division full of guys who joined the sport later in life and can do 1 thing well.