People are way too hard on Dada.
Bellator probably waived five figures in his face to fight and why would he not take it? If you're gonna give someone at that event shit give it to Kimbo, Royce for the lowblow, or Ken for hamming it up.
Hell, Kimbo actually has a career in this. He's fought through TUF, the UFC, and in some pro-boxing albeit it was can smashing. Dada cut to the HW limit and literally fought till his heart stopped. Who thought he'd get up after being mounted? I sure as fuck didn't.
Kimbo was the one fighting on knees so shot he can't bob and weave any more. Kimbo was the one that shot for a TD against a guy he was expected to trade with. Dada isn't a martial artist, but goddamn, the dude tried.