Who was more impressive, Fedor or Jon Jones?

Jon Jones "barely" won against Gus and that fight could have gone either way. Fedor in his prime never got beat up the way Jones did. Jones had the physical advantage over his opponent most of the time and the biggest kicker is he tested positive for PED's.

Until Jones beats someone who is bigger and a ranked opponent, I can't put him above Fedor.
Jon Jones "barely" won against Gus and that fight could have gone either way. Fedor in his prime never got beat up the way Jones did. Jones had the physical advantage over his opponent most of the time and the biggest kicker is he tested positive for PED's.

Until Jones beats someone who is bigger and a ranked opponent, I can't put him above Fedor.
Fedor got chicken danced by an unknown Japanese, Jones never failed on a PED, and Fedor has lost Jones has not. Fujita was just one of the cans he fought in pride. He got smashed by not 1 but 2 middle weights Lindland and Hendo
A man who remained undefeated not a man that fought freaks like zuluzinho or choi hong man talk about cans and freak shows
If my memory is correct, Fedor beat a few good opponents. Jones finished a murderer's row of former champs still near their primes.
If my memory is correct, Fedor beat a few good opponents. Jones finished a murderer's row of former champs still near their primes.
If my memory is correct Fedor was a bloated LHW owning HW for almost a decade, fighting bigger and stronger opponents. I also seem to remember that the only time Jones fought someone his own size (Gus) he was shrivelling and shaking afterwards due to the shock.
If my memory is correct Fedor was a bloated LHW owning HW for almost a decade, fighting bigger and stronger opponents. I also seem to remember that the only time Jones fought someone his own size (Gus) he was shrivelling and shaking afterwards due to the shock.
Bloated LHW got koed by Hendo
Jones has already beaten EVERY top 5 LHW contender Fedor never fought, Mir, Couture and many others he only holds 2 real top 5 victories crocop and nog
Jon Jones "barely" won against Gus and that fight could have gone either way. Fedor in his prime never got beat up the way Jones did. Jones had the physical advantage over his opponent most of the time and the biggest kicker is he tested positive for PED's.

Until Jones beats someone who is bigger and a ranked opponent, I can't put him above Fedor.

Fedor got beat though. Everybody was knocking Fedor out at one point. lmao
How anybody could ever say Fedor is more impressive than Jones is beyond me. Jones has had exactly 1 "bad" fight in his entire career, and he still won by overcoming that adversity and showing champion level heart. He's unofficially got the longest title reign ever at 11 "defences" when you factor in that he never lost the belt and went on to beat OSP and DC, and has beat almost all the GOATs at LHW in extremely convincing fashion.

Fedor on the other hand had a long run, but looked beatable multiple times throughout it, let alone his 4 absolutely brutal losses. He also stayed away from the UFC even though all his main rivals were there immediately after Pride fell (Nog, Cro Cop, Randy, Mir, Lesnar, Sylvia, Andrei), and repeatedly never fought the best competition available for him.

Jones is the GOAT, and it's rather silly to be saying otherwise.
I have watched both fighters fight from Fedors first fight in Pride to Jon's first fight in the UFC. Fedor always left me with the impression he could be beaten by someone since he has had competitive fights with many fighters. Jon Jones on the other hand I knew woud be huge after seeing what this new man could do to Stephan Bonnar. I said this guy will be champion some day, maybe in 5 years. Little did I know it would be less than that and he did it in a dominate fashion. Jones always had an answer to everyone. I count his DQ over Matt Hammil not as a DQ for the 6-12 elbows but a DQ for attempted murder...
Jones by far demolished legends and Hall of Famers more so than Fedor did. Fedor fought some great fighters BUT he had many MORE fights with non-skilled Freaks such as Zulu, Semmy Shilt, Hong Man Choi, and many others....many fights with cans like JAIDEEP SINGH who has a current record of 2 wins and 3 losses today, CHRIS HASEMAN record of 20 wins and 17 losses, LEE HASDELL 9 wins 14 losses....Must I go on?

Jon Jones is far more impressive than Fedor Emelienenko (who has lost to middle weights like Dan Henderson)

Lastly, Jones isnt a saint and has had his USADA issues which turned out to be minor. I have to bring up the fact Fedor, since being in PRIDE FC who literally encouraged PED doping will always have a question mark next to his name for me....since he "for reasons unknown" became a shell of his old self once he came to the USA where such drugs are illegal.
jones, to me, can never be a GOAT. He can be the greatest lightheavyweight of all time but that is it. Although, that could change if he doesn't limit himself. I think you really need to examine what jones has done vs what Fedor has done and you need to be fair about it... Jones has ALWAYS BEEN THE BIGGER MAN IN ALL OF HIS FIGHTS. That's what I mean about limiting himself. He has never fought against anyone who is taller or grossly outweighs him. He even admitted that he is waiting for the right (small) opponent at heavyweight to take advantage and ask for a fight. Sure, people point out that Fedor was KO'd by a middleweight but Fedor was, practically, a chubby middleweight. They were the same size. Fedor fought the best from the UFC during his run, Sylvia, Arlovski and Noguiera and beat them. All three were substantially bigger men but he didn't cherry pick. Age has caught up to the last emperor, as it does all athletes but in his prime, he shied away from no one, which is far more than can be said for jones. Jones was quoted as saying that he was walking around at 247lbs so what the hell is he doing fighting at LHW? Many will say because he CAN make the weight and that is true but a GOAT does not cut weight to duck opponents or cut weight to fight smaller ones. People talk about jones' fight IQ but it is more about his self preservation IQ. He is "smart" enough to cut weight and guarantee he is the biggest guy in the ring but too dumb to realize that he disqualifies his claim to GOAT status by doing so. The fact that the guy is starting to buy into his own hype doesn't help but it couldn't hurt, either. Maybe his own self hype gets him into some fights that he is not sure if he can win and THEN WE WILL SEE. Everyone can step into a ring with someone they know they can beat but TRUE GOATS will step in with anyone, period.
Jones finished a higher quality of opponents...so even though Fedor beat Herring, Crocop, Big Nog, etc his highest quality opponent that he finished during his prime was Zulu!!! Just kidding....I would say Randleman/Coleman/Arlovski/Sylvia where as Jones finished Shogun/Machida/Bader/Sonnen/Vera/Jackson/Belfort/Cormier
If my memory is correct, Fedor beat a few good opponents. Jones finished a murderer's row of former champs still near their primes.

I dont know man. Shogun, Machida, and Rampage were not world beaters when they fought Jones. I think Bones best wins are against DC, Gustaffson and Evans... He barely beat Gustfafson, easily beat DC and Evans.

I THINK at this point I am in the minority but I still think Fedors resume is better.... BIg Nog, Cro Cop and Arlovski top those 3 IMO.
I dont know man. Shogun, Machida, and Rampage were not world beaters when they fought Jones. I think Bones best wins are against DC, Gustaffson and Evans... He barely beat Gustfafson, easily beat DC and Evans.

I THINK at this point I am in the minority but I still think Fedors resume is better.... BIg Nog, Cro Cop and Arlovski top those 3 IMO.
I think Lyoto finished upper tier opponents before and after facing Jones. Shogun had just finished Lyoto then Jones handled him like nothing... right after he and coaches chased down a robber.

Arlovski almost gift wrapped the KO and presented it to Fedor. Fujita, Randleman, Schilt, Ogawa, etc. were like a few steps above guys like Hong Man Choi, Zulu Jr., Jaideep whatever his name was.

Jones has yet to lose, while Fedor's been finished and gotten his bell rung by guys who aren't really viewed as that good.

Also, I don't know how you can list Evans as one of Jones' best wins but not Lyoto when Lyoto KTFO'd Rashad easily.
I think Lyoto finished upper tier opponents before and after facing Jones. Shogun had just finished Lyoto then Jones handled him like nothing... right after he and coaches chased down a robber.

Arlovski almost gift wrapped the KO and presented it to Fedor. Fujita, Randleman, Schilt, Ogawa, etc. were like a few steps above guys like Hong Man Choi, Zulu Jr., Jaideep whatever his name was.

Jones has yet to lose, while Fedor's been finished and gotten his bell rung by guys who aren't really viewed as that good.

I hear you man and cant deny what your saying but even if I give you Machida (one of my all time favorite fighters) and Shogun (inconsistent) it doesn't really stack up to prime Nog, and Cro Cop. As far as Arlovski goes, well I dont know what to say. It was prime Arlovski and he got knocked out and people do stupid shit when they are up against their superiors.

I could point out a few fighters on Jones's resume that are less than spectacular too.

Bottom like is that it is not yet decided but Jones has everything lined up to pull it off. I think prime Fedor eats Jones for lunch though.
...I think prime Fedor eats Jones for lunch though.
Fedor trains old school on basketball court. Jones is modern day tape study, Jackson and Wink brain power strategy, elite training partners.

Consider Fedor had trouble with Brett Rogers before TKO'ing him. Pretty much only Gus, upper tier LHW with reach, gave Jones problems. Fedor gets credit for beating Nog & Crocop, but like I said, he didn't beat that many really good guys. I don't care about rankings at the time. Fujita isn't very good.
Fedor training old school and eating normal food and ice cream only makes it more impressive not less. Didnt you watch Rocky 4 man? :)
what people feel currently about jj being goat, is what we felt about fedor in his prime

Yep...and what everyone who hates Fedor now feels, will be felt by new fans towards Jones when he falls off.

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