Who should consider retiring harder right now? Johnny Walker or Tua Tagovailoa of the Miami Dolphins?

Tua cause he might actually die and theres a good chance the NFL is going to let him keep his massive contract for PR purposes.
Wow, thats scary. Walkers CTE is so bad that a sudden rush of blood to the brain causes him to pass out on an amusement ride. We might see our first Death in the UFC if they continue to give this guy fights.
Jah know fam all dem subconcussive blows from trainin' stackin' up ruff pon mi headtop mi nah lie Walker KO by stiff breeze 💨😴🚫🦁

If only dere did a sport weh yuh train but nuh haffi tek no hits every day in trainin' so di brain safe fi scrap day yuh zeet 🧠👊 Man still get paid mad too 💵 ting would be LIT 🥶🔥... but iono fam prolly never goin' happen still fam 👋🏽💥
Dana could literally not give a two shits about CTE, brain damage, and any other of that nonsense. Once Walker gets cut, he'll probably sign him on to Slap Fights!
I don’t follow foosh-ball any longer and haven’t for quite some time

Care to post any of these “regular tackles” that are putting this kid out? Anybody?
Can’t speak for the Dolphin guy, however Johnny Walker is just getting started to set a ‘Just Bleed’ record.
I never understood how NFL players are allowed to play so soon after a concussion while UFC fighters have to sit out months.
Yeah but Walker is getting knocked out by dudes half his size apparently. Every knockout with him is the epitome of slobberknocker. Dudes brain is jello.

And no one cares.
Walkers issue is defense anyone would get put out by that
Walker. I think he's too tough for his own good. Crazy offense but no defense. He will fight until he dies or suffers a catastophic injury. Whatever he makes in future fights won't be worth the damage he's taking on a routine basis. It's his best interest to stop now. Tua's seems in bad shape too but he's not getting further damaged every week.
Tua for sure. This guy is literally one sack away from drooling incessantly for the rest of his life.
Johnny hasn't made enough to retire yet.

Tua already has enough money for his grandkids to retire.

Also, I think that video is old. I've seen several people saying he was in his early 20s there.
Decent post at best til last part. Masterpiece for sure
Johnny hasn't made enough to retire yet.

Tua already has enough money for his grandkids to retire.

Also, I think that video is old. I've seen several people saying he was in his early 20s there.
Yeah but he keeps losing and losing badly.

Walker should consider it strongly though like 7 times stopped at age 32 and how many more times in the gym? He should get the hell out of there while he can still walk
He was KOed like four times in one single boxing match before he even started MMA. gif was crazy.