Who only see fights one time and who save them?


Green Belt
Jun 20, 2014
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i always save fights of my favorites fighters to see ''100 times''..but i heard some people only see 1 time in live and no more....
which group are you?
There are fights that I watch again and again, but if they are on FightPass or YouTube I feel no need to save them.
I only save fights of my favorite fighters, but I still have Rousey-Holm on my computer and it's just too good to delete.
I only watch the fights 1 time
In fact I can't remember one fight I have watched it twice

I prefer to find new fights to watch instead of watching the same again, no matter if I find a very old fight or an unknown org / fighter
Sure I watch every Shamrock fight twice first time for the comedic value and second time to see if it's fixed

With Bob sapp I do the same but for reversed reasons

Ganryujima, Heros, ZST etc have some hillarious mismatches that must be watched several times over for the full comedic effect

Other than that I have never watched and never will watch a UFC fight twice unless its wifebeater era UFC (pre Zuffa)

My sole interest in the UFC is gambling so most times I don't even watch the fights as checking the play by play thread for results about the fights is (horrible) enough
I have around a dozen MMA dvd's (UFC and some other ones)
The best of 2007,2008... 2011 DVD's I watched multiple times.

On you tube sometimes rewatch the fights of Fedor, Wanderlei, Brock, ...
Boxmatches I often rewatch: Tyson fights...

It's like watching an old movie you already saw years ago but liked so much that you watch it again...

edit: I don't save fights and stopped buying mma dvd's after "UFC best of 2011".
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I collected VHS tapes during the dark ages of MMA, then I used to record them up until about 2008. I had over 100 VHS tapes, some with 6-8 hours worth of MMA on them. There were new events on weekly so I never really watched the old ones anymore, I ended up throwing most of them out.

Now I rarely re-watch fights, sometimes I will if they're replayed on TV.

I've watched all the Ganryujima events multiple times though.

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