Who is the poster boy for PED'S in the UFC. Ubereem or Lesnar?

Overeem Vitor and Brock are definatly the prima examples
is this a joke?


never, ever, EVER forget, the fact that dozens or even hundreds of absolute MORONS on here tried to defend to DEATH that ubereem was natural. "he just works hard and has a good diet. hes put the mass on over several years, not all at once. he also has a big frame. uv just never lifted a weight before"

IDIOTS. You know who you are.

Some kids on here literally genuinely believed prime UBEREEM was was a product of literally just food water and lifting heavy.

Thats when I learned to never waste any effort arguing with a clearly stupid person in the heavies any more
Fedor was 31 when Werdum beat him. That's not exactly old in MMA terms.

No he wasn't , he was born in 1976, and if my memory serves me right, got beat in 2010.
Do the math.
And past 32-33 is typically when you start to see considerable changes when it comes to physical attributes and how your body reacts to training/competing and you are natural..
No wonder the " master's class " start at 35 in most sports that are heavily athlecism orientated.
Before/after pics of 'Reem should settle this quite easily.

Ubereem and it’s not even close. He completely changed his entire physical structure within the span of 2-3 years.

Lesnar did the exact same when he was younger to be honest.
Went from a lanky post 17-18 teenager to a 280lbs ripped beast in the same span...perhpas even faster...!
Jones easily. The guys popped twice and most people don't think hes going to stop taking them, especially since he can just snitch to get out of it now

Overeem was super juiced but atleast he stopped after he got caught and Lesnar is only a part time fighter so I obviously don't think of him first
The 1st name that comes into my mind when the words peds and mma are in the same sentence is Jones.
Vitor, Jones, Anderoid Silva, reem, and Brock.

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