Who is the most ignored here?


Black Belt
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
I just realized someone on Sherdog has me on their ignore list. It's cool.. but it makes me wonder.. Who you think is the Sherdogger who has earned the most ignores on this dump?

I know, not thread of the year but my Rams lost and I am just drinking and smoking.. like in that rap video
It's likely a toss-up between the biggest McG nut-huggers and Juice-head Jones ones.
TS is gotten to.
I wonder if I'm being ignored by anyone? Kinda cool to think about.
I just realized someone on Sherdog has me on their ignore list. It's cool.. but it makes me wonder.. Who you think is the Sherdogger who has earned the most ignores on this dump?

I know, not thread of the year but my Rams lost and I am just drinking and smoking.. like in that rap video
How do you find out that your on an ignore list?
How do you find out that your on an ignore list?
because somebody quoted them about some fine bitch in his avatar and I went to look for avatar and there was NOTHING
I just realized someone on Sherdog has me on their ignore list. It's cool.. but it makes me wonder.. Who you think is the Sherdogger who has earned the most ignores on this dump?

I know, not thread of the year but my Rams lost and I am just drinking and smoking.. like in that rap video

Definitely JackSchtotll and his former (banned) account named NotSoSure.
If a poster replies to a post on here in quotes but you can't see the original message that they quoted, then that person has put you on the ignore list.

Thats one of the only ways to really tell.
I have over 500 on ignore. Not, the TS, obviously.

Ridiculous Crotch Crickets, of Conor...GSP haters... Liars, and general douchebags.

Goes to show how often some in here get new accounts. You’d think I would run out of ppl to ignore. But... Nope.

I miss alot of what goes on. There can be 5-10 posts in a row I don’t see. But, IDGAS.

If I have them on ignore. I don’t need to see their bullshit.

Most ignored...I doubt it. But, I bet I’m in the running for the longest ignored list.
