Who is Mayberry's King?


He blinked
I second that.

Too many come to mind without well defined criteria. So many guys have their own niche that make them kings in their own right.

I could name names, but I don't want shine everybody's balls in public. Some are in my "people I follow" list, many are not. Many greats here imo.


Hmm.....I follow one guy and have one follower. I'm obviously Sherdogging it wrong. Then again, the time I spend on Sherdog comes and goes like the Tide.
Hmm.....I follow one guy and have one follower. I'm obviously Sherdogging it wrong. Then again, the time I spend on Sherdog comes and goes like the Tide.

As one of the leading followers, all I can tell you is that's it's better to have followed and lost, than never to have followed at all.

But it's the first time a follower leaves you that is the most painful. It happened to me once, but it's all worth it. #neverforget

I don't take orders from super corny ass motherfuckers lol

Lol dude....the fact that you seem genuinely gotten too over a thread like this is quite hilarious.

Decrees thine King To the stocks and a thousand lashes for this foolhardy fooktard fellow! (That's the three F's of thread fail dim you've attained my subject)
@Bobby Boulders isn't King, he's clearly the Royal Pimp. His finery dazzles the eye, and he's slick as whale shit on an ice flow. I patiently wait for him to hook a brother up.

@Zer isn't King, either. You know how Chris Hansen catches predators? Zer's the guy who hired him. Zer swoops in when the cops have taken the all the predators away, the cameras are gone and the coast is clear. Actually that doesn't feel like his style. Maybe he's the one pretending to be young girls online. I just don't know, he's too clever for me. In any case, he's the Royal Lecher, which is totally a thing.

Very succinct in your assesment of both these subjects ..how ever I am displeased that you dint mention thine King.5/10

I do have room for him in my royal bell tower
I'm pretty sure he's strickly a top, so if bell tower means riding your spur reverse brokeback-cowboy, you may be in for a disappointment.

At this point, maybe someone should counter this guy's posts by throwing a summons @Guernica


Sheet...... @Wadtucket or @HELMER hasn't even liked a post in here yet, and they like everything.
It's their fuckin' day off man - let them rest! call them Sunday.
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GUERNICA is the one and only UNDISPUTED sherdog GOAT! I very rarely post in this board and limit my GOAT presence to the "heavies," (what used to be called "heavies," and now is just UFC) but make no mistake! I run this DAMN miserable corner or the interweb and you all get to pop slick and shame dank memes because GUERNICA allows it! I am a just King but my wrath is merciless! Take comfort in my mercy but forget not who your GOAT is.

dont recognize any of those tags