Who has most influenced you?

My dad was a Mormon. I refuse to go to that church when I was a kid but you have a point.

As I say it is by no means an exact science, but your parents are the biggest influence in terms of your socio-economic group, your religion, your political ideologies etc etc. All the things most important in shaping who you are going to become.
I mean, Christians could trump that with Jesus, I suppose. Kind of a lie, if we're honest.

She's been my biggest inspiration.
How so? If all they ever taught me was Goethe's words, wouldn't I be more influenced by Goethe than by my parents? Obviously my parents were channeling Goethe.

.....the only reason you'd be following him/her would be due to your parent's influence.


She's been my biggest inspiration.
A solid troll job, the spaghetti monster. This works for mechanistic apologetics and "god of the gaps," I suppose, but it has always struck me as a really dumb philosophical critique.
This old dude I used to work with. Got to spend 3 years with him before he retired an in that time he really opened my eyes
My Dad. Showed me I was very loved. That gave me confidence and I like who I am. Showed me that knowledge is power. Showed me that you can be tough if you have a kind heart. Showed me that patience is a must in any relationship. Showed me that most of the things we worry about are bullshit. The most important thing is family and friends and being altruistic, without being a pushover.
Hmm....Don Wilson, Rick Roufus, Jordan Peterson lol
The guy who has influenced me the most is @Tules

Guy is a medical genius and a BOOST as well
My grandmother. I made many choices simply because I did not want to let her down, wanted her t be proud of me. She was my best friend.

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