Who do you think should be on the "Terror Watch" list?


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
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Who do you think should be put on the Terror Watch list?

People that are chatting up with known radical Islamists or people associated with them?

How about the people that are in the anti-government militias like the Oregon militia?

People that belong to hate groups like the KKK and white nationalists?

Westboro Baptist Church?

People that are associated with violent street gangs?
All but the last one. They should be on the radar of a specialized police unit, of course.
Certain posters here have admitted to browsing Stormfront (only for "research," of course :D). I wonder if they're on any of these lists.
Muslims..as many as humanly possible. Their ideology has proven itself to be dangerous...seemingly normal people get the magical whisper in their ear...and kill
Whoever is responsible for Marcus Davis' face.
Why whoever the government says should be, you know anyone that disagrees with them.

And if you ask people like Janet Napolitano why the vets should be on list also.

Lets put them all on the list then take their guns and whatever else we can because they disagree with whoever is in charge.
All the liberals that support this should think about what power this will give Trump if he is elected.

Or what power this will give whenever "your" side is not in power and how it can and will be used as a political revenge tool.

How much power do you want to give to take away your rights without due process for no other reason then you disagree with whomever is it charge at the time?
Radical Islamist groups and militant separationist groups like the Oregon guys should certainly be at the top of the list.

The KKK (and the like) has, for the most part, settled into a fraternity and pity circle for old white men who are socially inept.
How a bout these guys after all they look "scary"

Anyone who posts on Sherdog. Though, I would imagine Sherdog is already being monitored by the FBI.
Components from all of the above? You can't answer this questions with a shit ton of research. You'll have to build a probability model parameterized from past terrorist incidents. Its not that different than how insurance rates are determined, for example.
Who do you think should be put on the Terror Watch list?

People that are chatting up with known radical Islamists or people associated with them?

How about the people that are in the anti-government militias like the Oregon militia?

People that belong to hate groups like the KKK and white nationalists?

Westboro Baptist Church?

People that are associated with violent street gangs?
Definitely the first two and many groups belonging to the third if they have a history of violence. The KKK has mostly been declawed as far as I know and the WBC isn't even close to being a terrorist organization.
Who do you think should be put on the Terror Watch list?

People that are chatting up with known radical Islamists or people associated with them?

How about the people that are in the anti-government militias like the Oregon militia?

People that belong to hate groups like the KKK and white nationalists?

Westboro Baptist Church?

People that are associated with violent street gangs?

How many people did that Oregon militia kill? (I'm not talking about how one of their own got killed)

How many people from the Westboro Babtist church kill?

Not sure if the KKK had done any rodeo roundup lynching in the last couple years.

Process of elimination bro.
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Muslims..as many as humanly possible. Their ideology has proven itself to be dangerous...seemingly normal people get the magical whisper in their ear...and kill
Yeah this is silly. Of course Muslims should get a little bit more scrutiny than the Amish but not all Muslims are equally likely to commit terrorist attacks. We know that these terrorists tend to be young men so following some 70 year old retired Muslim widow is probably a waste of time absent some compelling evidence to the contrary.

We also know that Muslims from certain parts of the world are at a higher risk or radicalization. 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers and about 3/4 of the foreign fighters who joined ISIS came from Saudi Arabia. It would be silly to put similar scrutiny on a Kazakh as you would on a Saudi national.