Who do you think can bench more? Islam or Volk?

That's what makes DC so dangerous sir.
He has a move, and if that doesn't work...he has another, and another, until you run out of defenses for what he's bringing.
He does all of that while being short and stubby, yet he will wrestle you into oblivion.
Dc was probably one of the greatest wrestlers in mma history imo
I love how you are padding yourself on the back and at the same time are putting others down, while the rest of us are just having fun with a silly subject and nobody seems to seriously suggest that bench actually matters.

That guy doesn't even know the infamous Volk quote that all of us cool sherbros obviously know......
Didn't Khabib say his dad made him bench 225lbs (ish, it was in kilos) after all their workouts? Said that meant you were strong, to be able to bench that much after a full workout. I'd assume Islam did the same stuff, so I'd guess he's pretty decent at bench and that for whatever reason that exercise seems important to them. I'd assume this bench pressing quote is just as well-known as Volk's. (Not all sarcastic, Khabib really did say that)
Gotta go with Volk, shorter arms so weights travel less distance, and he probably did a lot of strength training back in Rugby dats
I’d guess Volk but that is based on me thinking he probably incorporates the big three lifts into his strength and conditioning program more than Islam and probably has better form with the lift
Dc was probably one of the greatest wrestlers in mma history imo

Pure wrestling.... definitely.
Loved his style in Strikeforce especially.
Wish he never went to LHW tbh sir.
Also, bulge.
Islam isn't that strong in terms of the bench press. He lifts weights but he doesn't train really it for athletic performance. He keeps it simple with bench/squat/deadlift with light weight and a lot of pull ups. I think there is a video of him maxing out at 240 lbs on the bench.

I don't think Volk really bench presses but I seen some of his training. He does a lot of posterior chain and leg work. He definitely has a coach for that aspect of his game. I was surprised that Volk is actually quite explosive.
Islam looks like the type of guy who does those crazy hundred rep burnout sets. Probably maxes like 245 for 1 - 3 reps. Volk probably reps 305 for sets of 6, but Islam definitely owns him on the deadlift.

Wouldn't be surprised if Islam pulls like 550 but just doesn't talk about it.
Islam looks like the type of guy who does those crazy hundred rep burnout sets. Probably maxes like 245 for 1 - 3 reps. Volk probably reps 305 for sets of 6, but Islam definitely owns him on the deadlift.

Wouldn't be surprised if Islam pulls like 550 but just doesn't talk about it.
I don't think he deadlifts much. I don't think he trains that heavy. It is not like he can't dedicate himself to training and get strong. It's not his priority I guess. He does a high amount of pullups(30-40) though. Here is him squatting. It's a high bench used as a box and It is about around 265lbs. His deadlift is most likely not going to double his heavy box squat single.
What, Wait? Their weight lifting now????

I thought they were fighting.
His grip strength as well.

100% It's funny I'd hop from training with my BJJ team to a competition Judo team before gi tournaments and the Judo guys forearms were twice the size of most BJJ guys and they'd grab onto your fucking sleeves and lapels like an eagles talon. All the Sambo and wrestling Islam has done, he can probably crush coal into diamonds by making a fist.
yeah, its weird, you think just by looking at a person you could wrestle them easy...but you can't judge a book by its cover.

i don't know there's not many wrestlers that don't look like brick shithouses from what i've seen. Ben Askren is the only one i can think of. most beast wrestlers look like beasts.
i don't know there's not many wrestlers that don't look like brick shithouses from what i've seen. Ben Askren is the only one i can think of. most beast wrestlers look like beasts.

True for the most part but when I was wrestling our HW was jacked and he wasn't all that good tbh.
He tried to muscle everything instead of learning the technique.