Who do you like more? Nick or Nate


Black Belt
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
I like them both equally and can't choose. Would like to know what my fellow sherbro's thought.



Nick seems to have more depth. Underneath that gangster exterior is a man of culture. Nate seems to be just a straight G. Love them both. Think Nick has a bit more to offer personality wise.
Big fan of them both, but I think Nate won me over with the way he handled this whole UFC 196 situation.
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More drama.

More legendary interviews/fights from back when I got into MMA. Hadouken Gomi, who fucking gogos ppl but me, Mayhem beef, middle finger in car thing, conference calls etc.
Nick is overall better fighter too bad he is better at smoking too and that ruins his career
Like them both equally, they're as real as it gets
Nate seems very much to be Nick's younger brother. His "stage" personality seems modeled after Nick's in many ways, and his style is clearly the result of training with his older brother. They're both great, exciting competitors and unique characters in the game, and I like and respect them both. Nick is truly weird and hilarious, though.
Nate for sure, he isn't a big crybaby like his older brother.
Nick looks young in those pic, wtf happened to him now
Hard to choose. Initially I would have said Nick due to his Strikeforce wars, but Nate has also faced absolutely insane competition and put on some amazing fights, and he is really on a roll lately.

BOTH Diaz brothers are SUPER cool & personable to fans in person, so it's hard for me to choose a fave.
Nate. I've just seen more of his fights live. I think seeing a fight live has a lot to do with why someone is a fan of a fighter. You're not going to experience the same emotions when you watch a video on youtube compared to when you watch it live. It would be even if I seen Nicks strikeforce era live.
When a diaz brother is on, it's some of the best MMA you can see. When they're peppering dudes with combos while talking shit it's pretty kick ass to watch.
But when they're off, it's pretty frustrating to watch.
While Nate has produced gold this past week, Nick has been incredibly consistent for years. Everything from fighting in hospitals, to admitting he never pays taxes. This is the same guy who fucking LAID DOWN in the middle of the octagon against Anderson freaking Silva to egg him on lmao!