Crime White Nationalist Group arrested trying to sabotage LGBT event

They show up daily in some areas and rioted for over 100 days in portland and it wasn’t until the end of 20 that clashes with the proud boys became an almost daily occurrence. They label anyone that does not share their ideologies as fascist, including conservatives/republicans or moderate dems
Like I said it’s a right wing talking point. I would say that it’s the other way around. Everyone on the left who goes to a protest is called Antifa. And most groups you mention are fascist so I don’t really see the big deal. I do think there is a problem with the word fascist though but I think that’s just laziness. Most of the time it’s fascist tendencies or parts of fascism that relate to those groups. But then again most Americans don’t really understand fascism just like they don’t understand socialism and communism.

And btw, Proud Boys are sad pussies so good for them they clash with antifa.
You will never completely eliminate people who don’t like you. Stats say people are actually less approving of the LGBT movement than they were 10 years ago.

I am not standing by these Nazis, I am just saying that the LGBT movement has morphed into something totally unable to be criticized. An attack mob will ruin your life or try to if you throw any criticizing their way.

It’s not even about gay acceptance anymore, it’s a political movement that is way left field with 72 genders and child drag queens.
what laws did they break? sounds like their 1st amendment rights were taken away because the government doesn't agree with their views

We all know the cia brought crack in the 80’s and Tuskegee airmen got fucked..there’s a long list of corrupt government actions. it is known.
that being said,
The entire premise of critical thinking is by definition:
“the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.“

Absorb different sources
Then reason your self to a conclusion.

to literally just go “hurr durr it’s the feds”,
just further highlights the modern rights inability to logically form a position of truth.
It’s like one big hive mind of talking points and echo chambers.

this is a reoccurring problem amongst the right.
Obamas birth certificate, pizza gate,q,stop the steal,covid hoax,etc.

all the above conspiracies fly in the face of critical thinking.. the internet is free. Millions of sources to chose from. there is no excuse for confidently clinging to ignorant, unfounded conspiracy in 2022 when all it takes is effort and open mind to come to the logical conclusion.

all one needs to do to see an example of what I just wrote is to take a peek at the Alex Jones thread. It’s mind numbing just how brain washed the right is.
Probably the most hypocritical thing I have ever read. Some truth in it, but the hypocrisy is astounding. You literally are bashing the right for doing things the Left does in Spades. Critical thinking? The left lost that after Obama. Critical thinking tells me letting violent offenders out with no bail is going to cause crime to rise (Liberal Mayors are now agreeing, see Lightfoot in Chitown). Critical thinking tells me legalizing shoplifting because it is racist to target minorities who steal will result in store closures, and higher prices on goods for everyone else. Critical thinking tells me promoting open drug use as long as you "do it with a buddy and use clean needles" will just embolden drug users. And it has in places that promote this crap, and again Mayors agree with me. Critical thinking tells me BLM and Antifa have caused MILLIONS in damage to our country, that is NOT peaceful.
I would much rather have a few conspiracy people question things that by all measures CAN BE questioned, than liberal policies that are destroying our country.
You will never completely eliminate people who don’t like you. Stats say people are actually less approving of the LGBT movement than they were 10 years ago.

I am not standing by these Nazis, I am just saying that the LGBT movement has morphed into something totally unable to be criticized. An attack mob will ruin your life or try to if you throw any criticizing their way.

It’s not even about gay acceptance anymore, it’s a political movement that is way left field with 72 genders and child drag queens.
100% true. Dave Chappelle said it perfectly in his special....You can kill a man, but you better not use a gay slur. The truth is that there are two types of LGBTQ people. The ones that just are who they are and live their lives. And the ones that NEED to be seen and heard by doing outlandish things and dressing in crazy outfits and costumes to make a point Bottom line is that many people do not care for folks like that regardless of sexual orientation. Lots of my friends have children that are coming out...Normal kids. Good kids. Most of them cringe when they see the purple haired ass chap wearing weirdos....Thats not what they want to be associated with. They just are attracted to the same sex, no different except that.

Is this a pic from the arrest in Idaho? Where is this guy in the lineup of 31 individuals? The FBI decal on the megaphone isn't some smoking gun lol but I'm not seeing this guy in booking photos if this is from Idaho.
Is this a pic from the arrest in Idaho? Where is this guy in the lineup of 31 individuals? The FBI decal on the megaphone isn't some smoking gun lol but I'm not seeing this guy in booking photos if this is from Idaho.

2nd row, 2nd pic from the left
You will never completely eliminate people who don’t like you. Stats say people are actually less approving of the LGBT movement than they were 10 years ago.

I am not standing by these Nazis, I am just saying that the LGBT movement has morphed into something totally unable to be criticized. An attack mob will ruin your life or try to if you throw any criticizing their way.

It’s not even about gay acceptance anymore, it’s a political movement that is way left field with 72 genders and child drag queens.

There is a whole segment of political discourse that is unwilling to accept criticism. Hell, there was just an NFL coach who made a controversial take and (quite politely) appealed to the community to allow a discussion to be had about comparing January 6th to the summer of riots resulting in billions in damages and far more life lost... And the response was a $100,000 fine and people trying to get him fired. That's how much discussion and criticism is accepted in public discourse on certain subjects now. It ain't healthy for a state, but the levels of self-righteousness are reaching critical mass, with "what kind of a monster are you to question X?" being the go-to response for dissent on a range of popular issues..
From the right*

That dude's face is permanently stuck doing blue steel

Oh shit, he's tanned guy in the yellow shirt doing duck lips? Lol. Guy is a natural camera whore, I'll give him that.
Na I'm just dumb and said left instead of right for some reason. Still early lol.

No worries, I gave you the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe you were looking at a lineup that was posted in a different sequence. All good!
100% true. Dave Chappelle said it perfectly in his special....You can kill a man, but you better not use a gay slur. The truth is that there are two types of LGBTQ people. The ones that just are who they are and live their lives. And the ones that NEED to be seen and heard by doing outlandish things and dressing in crazy outfits and costumes to make a point Bottom line is that many people do not care for folks like that regardless of sexual orientation. Lots of my friends have children that are coming out...Normal kids. Good kids. Most of them cringe when they see the purple haired ass chap wearing weirdos....Thats not what they want to be associated with. They just are attracted to the same sex, no different except that.
"I accept gay people as long as they act straight" isn't really accepting gay people.
All of their details are readily available. One of those "closing doors and burning bridges" moments I imagine.
Named and shamed.
I'm assuming "conspiracy to riot" doesn't amount to much in itself.
"I accept gay people as long as they act straight" isn't really accepting gay people.
It isn't about acceptance. I don't care for certain people, does not mean I do not acknowledge their right to exist. Also does not mean I would ever discriminate against them. I don't like the straight guy at the wedding dressed like Elvis and making sure everyone sees and hears him. We do not have to like everyone. That goes for everyone....not everyone likes everyone, and that is ok as long as you do not try and hurt them. We just had a Pride March in my Town on Sunday. Plenty of people there supporting Gay rights etc. Then you have a group of guys wearing short shorts or ass chaps and leather gear. Why? That is a sexual fetish, not a Pride thing...That should be at a whole different parade. The Gay kid coming out to his folks doesn't need that to make it harder for him. All of a sudden people keep adding letters to the LBGT crowd and it has become something different.
All of their details are readily available. One of those "closing doors and burning bridges" moments I imagine.
Named and shamed.
I'm assuming "conspiracy to riot" doesn't amount to much in itself.

Out of state agitators should be treated like terrorists or something?

I think I remember hearing that somewhere around here.