Social White Democrats kneeling in African Cloth

Or actually give their positions and power away to someone who's actually black instead of trying to pretend like they are.

They're too stupid to know that that will be the next demand, once all this virtue signaling loses it's shine.
I'm confused. So the African cloth is used to symbol what?
Or actually give their positions and power away to someone who's actually black instead of trying to pretend like they are.
Exactly. Look at who actually runs the Democrat party. It's overwhelmingly comprised of the rich, white ruling class. With all they claim to care about, in the end it's just lip service. This is what they do instead of making change.. The Democrat leadership is all about keeping poor people in their place and dependent on their party. It's just a shame poor people havent "woken" up to that reality and demanded real representation.
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It's disgusting. How dare they kneel in honour of BLM. Those white traitors!
It's disgusting. How dare they kneel in honour of BLM. Those white traitors!

The kneeling is fine, albeit perhaps very late in the day for credibility of this crew, it’s the decision to wear ‘African cloth’ that perplexes.
The kneeling is fine, albeit perhaps very late in the day for credibility of this crew, it’s the decision to wear ‘African cloth’ that perplexes.
As I said it's disgusting!

Former National surrogate for Governor Warren says,

LOL. Who said that, Joseph who? An African textile scarf is dressing up like you're in Wakanda? Try a little harder. {<diva}
It really is a shame because there is good stuff the put forward in their bill. However this is just theatrics that take away from any support they might have gotten from across the isle.
Why would they need help from across the aisle, don't Republicans believe in the cause?
I don't think this is going to work. If the far left takes power, none of these people will be forgiven. Appeasement works sometimes, and sometimes it emboldens. In this case, I think it emboldens, because it's not like a list of demands have been met. The current demand is to defund / disband police. And what happens after that? I highly doubt that would be the end of this. There will be a new demand after that. And after that. To strike a deal requires a clear consensus of what the end goals are.
This gesture seems rather hollow.

They should wash the feet of the BLM organizers in order to prove their commitment to racial justice.

Former National surrogate for Governor Warren says,

Looks like I've been giving people too much credit when it comes to having some sort of self respect/worth.
.... I’m not sure how or why this idea was formed.

Are they going to wear sombreros to honor the Latinx victims of police brutality?
The same reason they're running Joe Biden for president with the exact same failing playbook they used in 2016. They are completley out of touch with reality.