Crime White cop told to leave when he responds to the call of a shooting in Atlanta.

see below. 'yesterday'. why you felt you were antagonized? you can ask yourself that too.


Regardless when you originally asked, you decided to quote me and ask again today, and I responded quickly.

"I tried searching. but got lazy sifting through the results."

Seriously? Why did it take me 10 seconds to get a result, but you were sifting through all of results?

And you keep calling me retarded? :rolleyes:
Regardless when you originally asked, you decided to quote me and ask again today, and I responded quickly.

"I tried searching. but got lazy sifting through the results."

Seriously? Why did it take me 10 seconds to get a result, but you were sifting through all of results?

And you keep calling me retarded? :rolleyes:

yes, you are retarded. you just made up an entire fan fictionized story here on sherdog from my simply quoting you. then when I highlighted your being retarded you deflect it all as if it's nothing at all.

now you're nitpicking here, trying to determine for me what my parameters are for being 'lazy' are.

admit it, you're just upset because I quoted you. why you felt/feel challenged by my doing so, you can ask yourself that too - you really should.


& I asked you if you were retarded, once - prior to this post right here. get it straight. read before you post.
You can hear a couple of people on the White cop's side. One dude responds by saying that the whole situation is an embarrassment and the lady at the end is telling everybody to leave the man alone as somebody needs help, because they got shot; but overall the crowd was against him. You have to be insane to take a job like that as white person in a neighborhood like that.
No, it’s not “as stupid.” One is a Karen-type racist and the other incident is violence and dangerous.

Ok, sonic just watched the whole video-whereas before, I stopped mid-way through. You’re right, I owe you an apology. I am so sorry that I didn’t come down even harder on you for even attempting to say these are in the same stratosphere as an entire crowd threatening an officer for being white and committing violence against him
I forgive you

Being racist in the times of an emergency is fucking stupid. Period. Do you want your life saved or not?

And just because you want to have a fraternal fit right now, is irrelevant to the conversation as a whole
You actually think your average steeet cop feels secure in that principle, in context of the current political climate? There's definitely bad cops out there, who exploit their power, to serve their own biases(of varying degrees). But it's also true that any time you pull the trigger, you risk being the target of a smear campaign by the media, and various political organizations.

Police departments need policy changes nationwide. The fact there are so many shootings involving unarmed subjects is alarming. It tells me defensive tactics and combatives need additional emphasis after the initial academy training. Having a cop that willingly fights people on the streets when the situation warrants it is not the problem. A person getting scuffled or bruised in a street fight is not the worst thing ever and never has been

The trigger happy cops are much worse.
I forgive you

Being racist in the times of an emergency is fucking stupid. Period. Do you want your life saved or not?

And just because you want to have a fraternal fit right now, is irrelevant to the conversation as a whole

But i am sticking to the conversation. You’re posting videos about a karen in a dr office
But i am sticking to the conversation. You’re posting videos about a karen in a dr office
You required a visually due to the fact that you Caught feelings off my initial post
whatever you do, be careful talking about the fucked up culture that's behind this behavior cause the mods might card you for "racism/offensiveness".

you've been warned...
Can you elaborate????
What data are you using to say an entire culture is rotted???
I'm willing to concede to that point, as long as we call it fair both ways. If specific crimes committed by a certain demographic prove the culture is totally fked, let's totally unpack it.

If we use that same data for sexual crimes against children, would you speak out and blame the entire culture for promoting sexual perversion and pedophilia?????

Any culture that promotes or leads in child pornogrphy is certainly sicker than horrible car jackers and looters. Right? I mean they are both bad but come on Sound of Freedom had yall singing a different tune only a few months ago.
Did you forget?
Police departments need policy changes nationwide. The fact there are so many shootings involving unarmed subjects is alarming. It tells me defensive tactics and combatives need additional emphasis after the initial academy training. Having a cop that willingly fights people on the streets when the situation warrants it is not the problem. A person getting scuffled or bruised in a street fight is not the worst thing ever and never has been

The trigger happy cops are much worse.

This cop, had he decided to try to make an arrest for the batteries against a police officer, would have gotten more than a little scuffed up. That would have turned so ugly that deadly force might have been needed due to the number of people that would have attacked the officer for trying to take in custody the one guy that was shoving him.

As for the “trigger happy” cops, there are only a few cases off hand, that I can think of that were really bad-philandro castille, the older black guy in SC that got shot after being told to get his wallet, and Andre hill. In almost every other case, the suspect flees from or fights with officers, putting them in a situation in which the officers are forced to make a split-second decision under great stress. Considering how many guns are in this country and how many shootings and murders there are in the black community, when faced with a subject that leads officers on a chase and then runs on foot and turns back or goes for their waistband, most officers are going to believe that subject is going to shoot them.

And as far as community reactions and outrage at just about every single situation involving a black person being shot, even when the suspect is armed, I think they’re simply looking for that feeling of being outraged and wanting to protest or even riot over some perceived injustice.

Below are a list of armed people shot by police with a violent reaction from the community. And this is just a few of them and some of the names may not be right, but I am not looking them up atm, but I am definitely familiar with their cases.

M’khia Bryant-black 16 year old female that was in the act of stabbing another black female. Outrage was instant with ben crump saying another young unarmed baby killed by police and lebron James saying about that officer “you’re next.” crump deleted his tweet when the video was released. Community still demanded charges even though he actually saved a black life. The biological mother and father, whom lost custody of her, want to sue the city. Up to 500 protesters marched to police hq shouting say her name. President Biden press secretary said the incident needs investigated and mentioned the high rate of polixe killings in black communities/the view said it was unacceptable and he should have “fired in the air”

alton sterling: black male pedo with long criminal history and armed with gun and selling stuff out of vehicle when owner told him to leave and he began threatening people with gun. Police try to arrest him, he resists, is tased to no effect, taken down and a fight ensues, during which,
he was reaching in his pocket for a gun. Cop yells gun and shoots him. Violet riots and protests ensue. 9 officers murdered in his name in Baton Rouge and Dallas as well as two civilians and 11 officers seriously injured(some shot and lived). People rioted and murdered police officers over a violent pedophile-boy, they know how to pick who they make a martyr. And the city paid the family 5 million dollars. Absolutely disgusting af and insane.

dijoun kizzee: LA, man riding bike in traffic flees police and wrecks his bike, dropping a stolen firearm. He runs back and picks it up while facing the officers, who then shoot him dead. Riots ensue for two weeks culminating in Two officers ambushed and one shot in the face. As they are being rushed to the hospital, blm blocks the ambulance entrance to the hospital to prevent officers from getting treatment chanting “I hope they fucking die”

rashard brooks-atl, Wendy’s fast food calls police because black male passed out in drive through lane. Officers talk to him for almost an hour and everything is cordial until officers try to arrest him for dui. He resists and takes an officers taser and runs away. While running, he turns and aims the taser at the officer’s face and is shot and killed. Huge riots and all out chaos. Rioters burn down the Wendy’s for calling police and areas taken over by rioters. Mother and child see streets overrun with people and try to turn around in burnt down Wendy’s lot and shitbag shoots at vehicle thinking it is undercover police (unconfirmed, but thought to be reason) killing six year old Seqoia Turner. Officers charged with murder but charges dropped. Feds investigate.

jacob blake: rapist wanted to violation of dvp and sexual assault and burglary resists arrest and tries to steal car filled with three children. He is brandishing a knife. Officer tries to prevent him from fleeing in vehicle with kids due to risk or children. As officer grabs him and he turns towards officer with knife in hand and is shot and paralyzed. ben crump reps family and biden visits blake in hospital and harris pledges money to bail out rioters. Biden says shots pierced the soul of to nation. governor evers says police mercilessly kill black people and calls for emergency session to pass legislation on police reform. His lt gov says police have vendetta against black community. Gigantic riots and looting ensue with shop owners seriously beaten and cop hit in face with brick. Sections of Kenosha completely burned down in what cnn called “fiery but mostly peacefull protest” as fires rage in background. After several nights of riots, Kyle rittenhouse was violently attacked and shoots 3 rioters and is tried for murder and acquitted but still demonized to this day. blake’s sexual assault case dropped and he pleads guilty to two counts of domestic battery but gets probation. The victim was publicly identified by the da, which is completely unethical and absolutely unheard of in domestic cases and sexual assault cases. She then quit cooperating with the investigation. The sexual assault occurred when he broke into her house while she was sleeping (burglary), went to her bedroom where she was asleep with a child in her bed, and rammed his finger into her vagina and then smelled his finger saying “smells like you’ve been with other men.” Then he steals her vehicle. Blake received at least two million dollars in go fund me money.

God, I could list sooooo many others from mike brown and the riots that ensued after his justified shooting to two guys armed with knives near Philly and many, many other police shootings that led to ridiculous protests, riots, I could post so many links and videos that your eyes would bleed.
This cop, had he decided to try to make an arrest for the batteries against a police officer, would have gotten more than a little scuffed up. That would have turned so ugly that deadly force might have been needed due to the number of people that would have attacked the officer for trying to take in custody the one guy that was shoving him.

As for the “trigger happy” cops, there are only a few cases off hand, that I can think of that were really bad-philandro castille, the older black guy in SC that got shot after being told to get his wallet, and Andre hill. In almost every other case, the suspect flees from or fights with officers, putting them in a situation in which the officers are forced to make a split-second decision under great stress. Considering how many guns are in this country and how many shootings and murders there are in the black community, when faced with a subject that leads officers on a chase and then runs on foot and turns back or goes for their waistband, most officers are going to believe that subject is going to shoot them.

And as far as community reactions and outrage at just about every single situation involving a black person being shot, even when the suspect is armed, I think they’re simply looking for that feeling of being outraged and wanting to protest or even riot over some perceived injustice.

Below are a list of armed people shot by police with a violent reaction from the community. And this is just a few of them and some of the names may not be right, but I am not looking them up atm, but I am definitely familiar with their cases.

M’khia Bryant-black 16 year old female that was in the act of stabbing another black female. Outrage was instant with ben crump saying another young unarmed baby killed by police and lebron James saying about that officer “you’re next.” crump deleted his tweet when the video was released. Community still demanded charges even though he actually saved a black life. The biological mother and father, whom lost custody of her, want to sue the city. Up to 500 protesters marched to police hq shouting say her name. President Biden press secretary said the incident needs investigated and mentioned the high rate of polixe killings in black communities/the view said it was unacceptable and he should have “fired in the air”

alton sterling: black male pedo with long criminal history and armed with gun and selling stuff out of vehicle when owner told him to leave and he began threatening people with gun. Police try to arrest him, he resists, is tased to no effect, taken down and a fight ensues, during which,
he was reaching in his pocket for a gun. Cop yells gun and shoots him. Violet riots and protests ensue. 9 officers murdered in his name in Baton Rouge and Dallas as well as two civilians and 11 officers seriously injured(some shot and lived). People rioted and murdered police officers over a violent pedophile-boy, they know how to pick who they make a martyr. And the city paid the family 5 million dollars. Absolutely disgusting af and insane.

dijoun kizzee: LA, man riding bike in traffic flees police and wrecks his bike, dropping a stolen firearm. He runs back and picks it up while facing the officers, who then shoot him dead. Riots ensue for two weeks culminating in Two officers ambushed and one shot in the face. As they are being rushed to the hospital, blm blocks the ambulance entrance to the hospital to prevent officers from getting treatment chanting “I hope they fucking die”

rashard brooks-atl, Wendy’s fast food calls police because black male passed out in drive through lane. Officers talk to him for almost an hour and everything is cordial until officers try to arrest him for dui. He resists and takes an officers taser and runs away. While running, he turns and aims the taser at the officer’s face and is shot and killed. Huge riots and all out chaos. Rioters burn down the Wendy’s for calling police and areas taken over by rioters. Mother and child see streets overrun with people and try to turn around in burnt down Wendy’s lot and shitbag shoots at vehicle thinking it is undercover police (unconfirmed, but thought to be reason) killing six year old Seqoia Turner. Officers charged with murder but charges dropped. Feds investigate.

jacob blake: rapist wanted to violation of dvp and sexual assault and burglary resists arrest and tries to steal car filled with three children. He is brandishing a knife. Officer tries to prevent him from fleeing in vehicle with kids due to risk or children. As officer grabs him and he turns towards officer with knife in hand and is shot and paralyzed. ben crump reps family and biden visits blake in hospital and harris pledges money to bail out rioters. Biden says shots pierced the soul of to nation. governor evers says police mercilessly kill black people and calls for emergency session to pass legislation on police reform. His lt gov says police have vendetta against black community. Gigantic riots and looting ensue with shop owners seriously beaten and cop hit in face with brick. Sections of Kenosha completely burned down in what cnn called “fiery but mostly peacefull protest” as fires rage in background. After several nights of riots, Kyle rittenhouse was violently attacked and shoots 3 rioters and is tried for murder and acquitted but still demonized to this day. blake’s sexual assault case dropped and he pleads guilty to two counts of domestic battery but gets probation. The victim was publicly identified by the da, which is completely unethical and absolutely unheard of in domestic cases and sexual assault cases. She then quit cooperating with the investigation. The sexual assault occurred when he broke into her house while she was sleeping (burglary), went to her bedroom where she was asleep with a child in her bed, and rammed his finger into her vagina and then smelled his finger saying “smells like you’ve been with other men.” Then he steals her vehicle. Blake received at least two million dollars in go fund me money.

God, I could list sooooo many others from mike brown and the riots that ensued after his justified shooting to two guys armed with knives near Philly and many, many other police shootings that led to ridiculous protests, riots, I could post so many links and videos that your eyes would bleed.

Good post, but the media picks the obviously flawed shooting cases for a reason.
Can you elaborate????

there's a clear cultural issue in parts of the black community combined with leftists policies like restorative justice that's causing

a. an explosion in crime
b. and an even greater "fuck the cops" attitude that's not productive to helping themselves get out of this mess (like what we see in the video)

this shit needs to change and it can't be changed without acknowledging it first. most black americans are like everybody else and wanna work hard, provide a good life for their kids, and despise the criminal subculture present in their community, but that subculture is growing and being enabled by the left.
there's a clear cultural issue in parts of the black community combined with leftists policies like restorative justice that's causing

a. an explosion in crime
b. and an even greater "fuck the cops" attitude that's not productive to helping themselves get out of this mess (like what we see in the video)

this shit needs to change and it can't be changed without acknowledging it first. most black americans are like everybody else and wanna work hard, provide a good life for their kids, and despise the criminal subculture present in their community, but that subculture is growing and being enabled by the left.
You're dancing around the questions.

If you say its a subculture and most aren't like that, why do you keep assigning ownership to all Blacks?

Also, why are you so hyper-focused on blaming Black culture evertime a Black criminal commits a crime?
In your constant Pedo virtue signaling you & your friends never site statistics for child porn. You never call out the leading demographic then talk about all their perverted pornographic obsessions, trends, & habits.
There is a reason you don't do that. There is a reason you won't put those worse crimes under the same microscope. Its because there is an agenda to go along with your narrative.
Yet all of you are on record saying pedophilia is one of the worst and biggest problems in the world.
Yet you won't look at that the same way that you want to look at "the blacks..."
You're dancing around the questions.

If you say its a subculture and most aren't like that, why do you keep assigning ownership to all Blacks?

knock it off with this nonsense. at the end of the day the people responsible are the individuals doing it. however there is absolutely and undeniably a clearly observable small criminal subculture within the black community caused by a cultural rot that is causing a massive uptick in crime the last 3-5 years and it's being enabled by the left and you can't ignore it.

Also, why are you so hyper-focused on blaming Black culture evertime a Black criminal commits a crime?

1. i'm not, you're making things up.

2. you're dying to play the race card. it's obvious why, it's the left's go-to move, but it's not about race, it's about culture and attitudes:

"fuck the police"
"snitches get snitches"
"education is for losers"
"gtfoh white man, we don't need your help"

this is all too common in some parts of the black community.

In your constant Pedo virtue signaling you & your friends never site statistics for child porn. You never call out the leading demographic then talk about all their perverted pornographic obsessions, trends, & habits.
There is a reason you don't do that. There is a reason you won't put those worse crimes under the same microscope. Its because there is an agenda to go along with your narrative.
Yet all of you are on record saying pedophilia is one of the worst and biggest problems in the world.
Yet you won't look at that the same way that you want to look at "the blacks..."

these crimes you mention are highly illegal and they're already highly punished by the courts and the mainstream media doesn't go to bat for people who commit these crimes, and they don't set up go fund me's, and politicians don't make excuses for them, and woke DAs don't drop these charges. do you spot the massive difference now?
knock it off with this nonsense. at the end of the day the people responsible are the individuals doing it. however there is absolutely and undeniably a clearly observable small criminal subculture within the black community caused by a cultural rot that is causing a massive uptick in crime the last 3-5 years and it's being enabled by the left and you can't ignore it.

1. i'm not, you're making things up.

2. you're dying to play the race card. it's obvious why, it's the left's go-to move, but it's not about race, it's about culture and attitudes:

"fuck the police"
"snitches get snitches"
"education is for losers"
"gtfoh white man, we don't need your help"

this is all too common in some parts of the black community.

these crimes you mention are highly illegal and they're already highly punished by the courts and the mainstream media doesn't go to bat for people who commit these crimes, and they don't set up go fund me's, and politicians don't make excuses for them, and woke DAs don't drop these charges. do you spot the massive difference now?
You keep talking about Black culture but I'm the one playing the race card?
I'm race baiting as you sit up here with double yellows for being a racist?
Oh thats rich.

Again you are overstepping your own culture and white washing pedophilia to attack another.

You're lying through your teeth. You are a conspiratorial nut that has been claiming and calling out Pizza Gate, Epstein's Island, Sound of Freedom child sex trafficking. All while crying the far left MSM is covering it up. Now you're saying that's not true "Plenty of coverage. "
LMAO. All that just so you can demonize blacks in general. I've seen ziplock bags less transparent.

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