White Belt Frustration Problem


White Belt
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
In the firsts months training BJJ i will hooked up just inmediatly, it looks like instant love, i bought two Gis, come every class, with rain, cold, hot days, always. When you made a technique learned and works in a fight, wow!! It feels a great sensation.
Trought the pass of the months, im in a very good level in the white belts, but there is the problem: The other WB are not coming to the training now, the fights against blues, purple and browns, make me feel very frustrating, sore very fast, and sad!, Yes, sad, i can not made nothing, only attempts of scaping that doesnt work and even thinking about attack.
My question is about how handle this two sensations? I fell really hooked to BJJ, and some classes i see really improvement in my JJ, only fighting with WB. But last classes, i dont feel very happy, frustration and sadness are in the mat with me now, i want to leave behind this feeling the soon as possible and i really miss those White Belt partners.
Your knowledge will be appeciated. Thanks for the advices guys..
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you should be happy you are training with upper belts.
keep training
I love rolling with upper belts, I think I learn more that way than any other, both by tips they give me and how they go about doing things. I'd say embrace it and even though it can be frustrating, it will pay off in the end.
As for other white belts, be prepared to see a lot of people over time come and go - it's the nature of the sport. Lots of people get to the point you're at of being frustrated and instead of pushing through it, they take the easier option and move on to something else.
You may not feel like it but you are learning! Playing against the upper belts, you're seeing and feeling techniques you couldn't hope to know yet, let alone defend against. Take some deep breaths and know you're not alone in struggling. if you were doing well against upper belts, whats the motivation to get an upper belt?
This is called the Humble Pie. We all eat it. We don't like it, but we eat it anyway. As we train longer, we eat it less often, but rest assured, there will always be someone willing and able to feed it to you.

So the advice is to forget about winning and losing. Focus on learning. There is a saying "If you're not tapping, you're not learning." I think there is a lot of truth to that. Tap or get tapped, reset, go again. Repeat. No attitude, no ego. Just train.
I don't have an answer, but, as a three month white belt, I get it. I mostly spar with the other whites but every once in awhile with an upper belt.
I definitely learn more when I spar with a blue, but it's also nice to get positive feedback when I pull off something new against another white.

Last Saturday, I managed my first escape from being in somebody's half guard (tripod escape). I felt freaking awesome and proud. I need that feeling as a noob every once in awhile. If I were rolling with blues or higher, times like that could be few and far between.

On a different note, BA is a truly wonderful city.
Welcome to the grind. Here is where you will decide if BJJ is really for you.
You have to set realistic goals.

The last gi place I trained there was a taller, stronger brown belt who just beat my ass. I could squash his DLR until he was stretched out, leveraging my fat ass into it, and he could just push the hook in deep without moving his hipss, like he was leg pressing me.

Dude loved knee on belly. I made it my job in life to escape his kob. I drilled KOB escapes in my down time and when I got out, I felt like I had won.

Rarely now does anyone else give me trouble from that position. You could say my KOB escape is brown belt level.

The struggle is making lots of those small victories and stacking them up, and seeing the performance of technical moves as wins.

Submissions are extra.
Bring a notebook and take notes about what is it that someone gets you with, then ask around about how to avoid it.

Im on the other spectrum, i dont have people around my level to push me.
Bowling hurts my thumb more than spider guard hurts my fingers.
Just stick with it. Training with higher belts will only make you better.
If it doesn't kill you .......

Quit being a lititle b!tch. Take losing like a man and learn from it. You know how to stop feeling the way you do. Get better. You get some sick satisfaction about beating people who are worse than. You. You are a bully. When you go up against people who test you then you are worth your salt. Get better and stop complaining
This is your opportunity to work on your defense, guard, sweeps, escapes, faster reactions etc.

Your situation is much better than the other way around when theres only whitebelts and you can hit every nonsense lugwrench technique you try.

Imo attacks will automatically come when your defense becomes good enough.

Your little encouraging victories instead of tapping people can be making good guys work really hard to pass you. or escaping chokes, staying calm and efficient, keeping moving, maybe getting sweeps in etc.
B: You are supposed to be frustrated and suck at WB
C: I'm on my second WB (started BJJ last Sep, prior to that 2nd degree brown in Judo, prior to that 4 years HS wrestling) I know how being a beginner feels, I know humble pie. It still sucks to suck.