Which is more egregious--Vanzant not shaving her head or Dern faking an accent?

Pitier of Fools

Black Belt
Oct 18, 2011
Reaction score
As fans, do you guys think Paige Vanzant reneging on her promise to shave her head for kids with cancer or McKenzie Dern faking an accent is worse? Which one is more likely to prompt you to root for them to lose?

I'm asking because I think what Vanzant did was way worse, but it seems like Dern gets a lot more heat on here while Vanzant gets a pass from most people.
I will think about which one I care even less about and get back to you ASAP man.
Even if Dern is putting-on an accent, there's nothing morally wrong about it. At worst it's just embarrassing and a little odd.
Promising cancer kids and not coming through is way worse.

The whole reverse accent thing is just weird and dumb. She is gonna really embarrass herself because eventually she will get called out on it. She's on the verge of being the butt of a permanent MMA joke/meme that will live on with her.
The question is whether what Dern is supposedly doing is worse than Carlos Mencia.
I find being obsessed/triggered with the way someone talks the most egregious
I have at least five accents I use daily. Nothin weird about it
As fans, do you guys think Paige Vanzant reneging on her promise to shave her head for kids with cancer or McKenzie Dern faking an accent is worse? Which one is more likely to prompt you to root for them to lose?

I'm asking because I think what Vanzant did was way worse, but it seems like Dern gets a lot more heat on here while Vanzant gets a pass from most people.

Lying to a charity that raises money for children’s cancer patients, ainec.
The worst thing is Sherdoggers pretending either of these chicks is hot.
I dont really want to see a bald Paige. Shes got nice hair, nice thick hair you can just grab a fistful of.
Neither is anything a sherdogger should concern themselves with.
adjective: egregious

  1. outstandingly bad; shocking.
    "egregious abuses of copyright"

I think PVZ’s lie is worse, but the one that gets my goat is Anderson denying his PED use.