which gi do you recommend ???


White Belt
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Gameness I have read a lot of good things about this gi.
Mkimonos The only thing I know is that Gracie Barra use's this gi
Keiko Raca Ricardo Viera use's this gi

As you can see a dont know that much about the gi's s which gi do you recommend?
And if you know a great gi that I havet mentioned tell me=)
I would take Keiko off your list and replace it with a Sirius gi.

My top 4 picks are;
HCK Comp Single

The rest of the gis on you list are really good gis.
Gameness I feel, makes the best gi's. The fabric, the collar, the pants, everything is perfect.
Soid said:
Gameness I feel, makes the best gi's. The fabric, the collar, the pants, everything is perfect.

yeah except for the patches.
ungala said:
yeah except for the patches.

Yea I dont like the big Dog on the back either, but you can always get it taken off.
SSF said:
I would take Keiko off your list and replace it with a Sirius gi.

Ron do you have any experience with the Sirius Gis? I am really looking at them but would love some feedback from someone I know and love. :redface:
Ungala-They just aren't as good as the other gis mentioned but that's just me. I know a few guys that love their Keiko I just don't like the two I've tried.

Adino-yeah, Sirius is a really nice gi, the cut is nice and the price is good. I have one and I like it. I still like my top four picks better but I really like it.

Killakix-I carry all the Mizuno gis and they are great gis. The Judo gis are the best. The Jiu-jitsu gi is cut really nice, one of my fav but they are pricey.

siavash said:
Hi Ron
I read some where that only www.grapplergear.com sold authentic gameness gi's. And that ''Authentic Gameness products come with a guarantee'' do you(http://www.ssfgear.com) have that?
By the way where can I find Sirius gi's? I have looked all over the net

No, that's incorrect. There are a bunch of us that are authorized to sell Gameness. There's even a thread here where Gameness came on the forum and recommended SSF. I stand behind the Gameness guarantee.

You can find a thread that is active right now that gives Sirius' info, they have a sale going on right now.

I just bought a new gi that I've been pretty happy with so far: Koral.
Like anything, there are a lot of factors to consider...
How much are you able to spend,
How does the gi fit YOUR body,
How thick/heavy does it feel to YOU...
Tough to decide if you can't check them out in person.
siavash said:
Hi Ron
I read some where that only www.grapplergear.com sold authentic gameness gi's. And that ''Authentic Gameness products come with a guarantee'' do you(http://www.ssfgear.com) have that?
By the way where can I find Sirius gi's? I have looked all over the net

Here is the link to their site: http://siriusjiujitsu.com/

Thanks for the info Ron, I definitally respect your opinion and I just might end up getting one in the comming months.
It's one of the best. It depends on what you are looking for. Tell us what you like in a gi and I'm sure one of us will point you in the right direction.

First quality, second design, third which one is the offical BBJ gi that is use in competition and training and last price but nothing too expensive. The Gameness seem good but not sure if I can wear it in some BBJ school?