Which career is tougher: Doctor or Lawyer?


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Jul 31, 2017
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Before, I wanted to become either a medical doctor or a lawyer.
Which is more difficult to achieve? Which career is tougher?
Almost anyone can become a lawyer. Medicine is much harder to get in. Medical training is also much longer with typically longer hours. But MDs have a higher social status and typically make much more than the average lawyer.
Probably depends what kind of doctor or lawyer right guys?

Question is too broad imo.

I know some doctors who all they do is work in their private "anti aging" clinics giving people trt, I'd venture to say that's easier than being a criminal defense lawyer who deals with rapists etc...
It's harder to become a doctor for most people.

What's tougher as a career is impossible to answer.
No idea.

I think being a doctor might be more difficult tbh.
I practiced corporate law for 6 months before I washed out. Sucks too cuz I passed the AZ and CA State Bar Exam. It’s a lot of document drafting and making sure both parties don’t pussy out. A client bitched out my boss because he didn’t like certain ways a operating agreement was worded. Being an attorney isn’t hard, it’s just soul draining.
Doctor. Atypical hours and actual physical work.
Lawyers read and post on sherdog.
Depends what kind of doctor. Working in a clinic and seeing patients doesn't seem that hard much of the time, unless there are serious issues. Many doctors just check the basics and get you out of there.

For lawyers, rich clients are tough to come by, and even then you have to win cases. There are lawyers who take massive loans to gear up for trial, paying for help and expert witnesses and so forth. Tons of pressure.

Like somone else said, any reasonably smart person can pass law school. Passing med school is far tougher.
In the US pretty much anyone can become an attorney. In other countries law might be more inline with medicine as a profession.
the fact most politicians are lawyers should answer this question
It's harder to become a doctor and once you become one you're basically guaranteed a six-figure salary for life. There are lawyers who only make about $40k/year.
Both careers are slightly more difficult than being a cashier at Jollibee. Its all about money for schooling and connections for afterwards.
They're both brutal.

Law is excruciatingly boring (for the most part) while medicine has you dealing with disgusting people who are often unclean and smell terrible.

When i was in grad school I lived in a unit within a large house owned by a dept head at a large hospital that was within walking distance. Over a long weekend I see the guy walking back to the house and I asked "what's up?". He said that he got called in to fix the bladder of some fat disgusting drunk who fell and ruptured the bladder. Dude had been practicing for 20 yrs and the look of disgust on his face was astounding.
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I don't believe I'd want to be either one, a doctor or attorney. I feel being a doctor has little to do about health care. There was a former doctor I knew that mentioned she left the medical field once she realized it had little to do with health. I've known a few lawyers over the years and I've yet to meet an attorney that said he/she enjoyed their job.

For pay though, with the government backing medicine, being a doctor would be better. We spend close to 18% of our GDP on medicine in America, double what other countries typically spend. Many Americans feel even more should be spent on our health care system. One doesn't hear about out of work doctors. You can't say that about lawyers.
Not everyone can get though the law school entrance test though...

Being a doctor drains your soul.

Lawyers give theirs up default the moment they have to defend their first piece of shit.

Both careers sucks.
Brother-in-law is a doctor.

After graduating medical school, he was advised to get his MBA since the cost for medical treatment is changing so rapidly.

I am not sure of any lawyers who were told to get their MBA after law school.