Whey, Casein and Insulin???


Blue Belt
Dec 30, 2008
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Does whey spike insulin? I read a study recently that whey proteins actually increases insulin sensitivity postprandial. Thoughts?
Linking the study would make this thread so much better.

Depends how you consider the term spike?, how I consider it, no it doesn't spike it, imo - but this is down to how I interpret the word 'spike' - a spike being a large, fast insulin response like the good old (bad old days really) of doing the Dextrose / Malto / Whey thing.

However, I have read over the years that dairy proteins do create a greater insulin response than say animal proteins.
Gluconeogenesis can cause the insulin to spike, but not in the same way as it would if you had carbs. This is why if you have a big whey only shake pwo you might feel the insulin crash as the blood sugar levels start to fall.
I am a diabetic and I can tell you for the most part no. Look at the carbs in the whey products you want to use. If it is loaded with carbs you are going to get a spike. If not then you won't. If you are looking for proteins with few/no carbs I recommend Isopure and the whey isolate by body fortress that they sell at Wal Mart. I have noticed no change in insulin sensitivity from whey usage. Hope this helps