Where to find Shooto gear?


Sherdog Wet Shaver
Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
I recently bought the Ouano Shooto gloves,and am now looking to buy other Shooto gear (tees,shorts, etc.) but have been unable to find anything with the more popular MMA retailers.any1 know here to find some good Shooto gear?
Its going to be tough and expensive. Good luck, sorry I was no help. I gave up my search to find something on budget. I think your best bet is wal-mart. Go get a white t-shirt and write in sharpie "SHOOTO SUCKS!" on it.
Masakatsu Funaki #1 said:
Its going to be tough and expensive. Good luck, sorry I was no help. I gave up my search to find something on budget. I think your best bet is wal-mart. Go get a white t-shirt and write in sharpie "SHOOTO SUCKS!" on it.

or I could put "RINGS died for a reason" :D
albert said:

Go to "Product" at the top, look for the Inspirit section.


Beat me to it.

Although, I do believe Inspirit now has their own page for the US at http://inspirit.jp/index_e.html . That said, all they really do is route you to Just Be's page... :D

While you're there, pick up a pair of the Inspirit Armorline shorts. I got a pair, and they are sick. They stretch, have like three velcro "buckles" and are great for training; worth every penny.
Masakatsu Funaki #1 said:
Anybody know where I could find some...yeah..RINGS or ZST shirts? >_<

Shooto Panama said:
Nearest garbage ditch.

Whoa. It's heating up.

No seriously...

Anyone ever buy SHOOTO DVDs from fightworld.com or budovideos.com? I really want SHOOTO DVDs.
didn't know fightworld sold shooto dvds,thanks for the tip.I see they have the year end shows every1 has been telling me to buy.
Guys, where can i get that yellow German suplex t-shirt i see from old puroresu tapes?
getting back to the original subject,SHOOTO gear,justbedesign has some good shirts.any idea where to get a shirt like the one krikit has for his avatar?
Those are shorts in Krikits avitar. You can get the black spec shorts at Just be Complex.
vitaminsandminerals- have done some shooto gear.

check there site and tatame.com

ive seen some hoodies and some t-shirts
^^^ thanks for the tip.V&M didn't have anything,but Tatame had a cool Shooto Brazil shirt.

edit to add: for any1 interested in Shooto Brazil,both sites have Shooto Brazil 3 on sale,Tatame has it on VHS,V&M has it on DVD.
This may seem like a stupid question but what is the difference between Shooto and MMA. I've never seen a shooto fight before also what are the rules of Pancrase. I've only ever paid attention to UFC, Pride, KOTC etc. and was looking to find out more about different organizations.
Hockeyfight said:
This may seem like a stupid question but what is the difference between Shooto and MMA. I've never seen a shooto fight before also what are the rules of Pancrase. I've only ever paid attention to UFC, Pride, KOTC etc. and was looking to find out more about different organizations.

pretty much the same as pride- think theres no elbows- foot stomps- standing 8 count

the old pancrase- i seen with shamrock and bas rutten is different - with palm strikes, rope escapes from submissions. not sure if shootos changed a bit though

check sherdog links page im sure theres a couple of sites that have this info

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