First I love this sport while not as die hard as some of you I didn’t really start at ufc 1 but I’ve definitely followed and seen fights. I don’t see a stand out star anymore. Gone are the days of the Legends that built this sport... I don’t even think Couture is allowed in a ufc arena Chucks chin faded light years ago GSP is like a clingy x that only comes back when she’s lonely. Anderson completely destroyed his legacy with trying to stay in his prime Conor would rather go Kanye West with his millions then fight and Nick and Nate are well they are Nick and Nate... Don’t even get me started on Jon Jones probably the most gifted I have ever seen I mean technically Jon destroyed two careers his and DCs...Jon you were supposed to save ufc you were supposed to be the guy u were the guy. You single handedly not only tarnished your accomplishments but destroyed DC’s as well. T wood you complain more than my mother in law stfu and do something already if you want to be the man respect is war ned not given. My point is who do I believe in now Cyborg? Ufc needs someone to believe in...