Where can I find the sherdog app to download

I’m tired of using the web browser to post
The app is no longer officially supported so it's recommended rather to access the mobile version of our site; to carry over the single-click convenience of the app, consider adding shortcuts or favourites to your homescreen. Sorry for any damper this has put on your experience after logging in.
I can teach you how to uninstall it when you realise its crap
I’m tired of using the web browser to post

I use browser, app is absolutely terrible and it drains your battery so fast
I’ve tried all kinds of stuff because I’ve always been a mobile user. I tried the app and it just wasn’t any better then the browsers, it was actually a lot worse, and as RNAP said, it’s battery effectiveness isn’t great. I will say out of all the browsers on mobile, the chrome web app has worked the best for me.

Hope that helps
I used the app up until a couple weeks ago because I go a new phone and I liked it a whole lot more than browser. It does suck is some ways but for just viewing threads and posting it worked fine for me. I'm going to attempt to redownload it, the biggest issue I had with it was pop ups but that hadn't seemed to be an issue lately.
Update: I followed the link but the app is not available :(

Come on guys sherdog is one of the oldest and most reputable mma outlets, im sure you can afford to have an app made!

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