when u watch the show cops...

The crackheads are hilarious. They stay getting caught up with crack on them and all of them say it's not mine I swear.



I was actually gonna say this. The crackheads always run yet never throw their drugs away while their running and the cops always catch them.

For some reason I always think of Dave Chapelles stand up when crack heads are on Cops.
If you go by the TV show Cops, poor people all have dogs that are kept outside that bark non stop.

I look at Cops the way I look at To Catch Predator. Comedy gold.

Kimmel called it "punked for pedophiles", when interviewing Hansen lol.
Do u like what u see? Do u find it humorous? Sad? Shocking?

Do u root for the cop or criminal?

It's always funny as shit, especially when the perp is high as fuck.

Depends on the situation as to who I root for. In one episode in Florida, I was rooting for the perp. This dude fought off half the police dept and even picked up the police dogs and threw them out of the way when they attacked him. It took the cops hours to catch the guy.
World's Wildest Police Video's is way better than Cops.
Cops is just too boring tbh.
Didn't the term "wife beater" T-shirt originate from COPS episodes?

Do u like what u see? Do u find it humorous? Sad? Shocking?

Do u root for the cop or criminal?

I watch it all the time still. I think it's funny especially when they show older ones with white trash guys and ladies with mullets and their bodacious outfits. I love too how so many of these people feel compelled to bullshit the cops. These cops have heard every excuse in the book.

I always root for the cops, as one of my best friends is a cop. It actually scares me and kinda stresses me out when i see how physical and dangerous the job can be and how they risk literally life and limb to subdue criminals who continually break the law and are let out into society over and over again. It's frightening at times the risk these people have to go through to keep us safe. It seems like it can be a thankless job sometimes. And i think people need to give them more slack, they put up with a lot of bullshit. (I'm not talking about cops who get to patrol nice clean communities.) And I know that there's plenty of dirty cops, but that doesn't mean the others should suffer. It seems to me like the criminals have more rights than the cops.
I don't watch it much anymore, but when G4 had all the marathons awhile back i got my Cops fix.

I specifically remember this one crackhead lady who appeared on at least 2 episodes. The one that stands out is the time she flagged down a cop to report getting ripped off on a crack deal..and she just walked them to the dealers house.
It certainly is an entertaining show. It honestly surprises me how often they show what seems to clearly be excessive force being used by the cops. If I was their PR person, I would try to limit that more.

"We found this crack in the jacket you're wearing"
"This isn't even my jacket, its a friends!"
Shits hilarious

lmao. Poor stoned midget.
"What are you doing, bro?"
"What is wrong with you?"
"We appreciate your cooperation."

Here is a the entire segment, officer has dealt with him before. At the end he takes him to some bar to ask about employment, cop is trying to get him a job.

It's entertainment. I enjoy seeing people that live on the edge of society from the comfort of my couch.
i always think about how lucky those people are that there are cameras are around. otherwise, the beatings wouldbe a lot worse
Bad boys bad boys watchoo gonna do.
Watchoo gonna do when they come for you?

I liked that song.
I like to watch and see ways the criminals could of gotten away but never do

they always fuck up haha
I like the older episodes, the new ones look weird to me, like they're too clear, it looks like a movie or something lol
I like the older episodes, the new ones look weird to me, like they're too clear, it looks like a movie or something lol

Get On it Mel!

I swear the sound effects of the wreck out had to be added later.