What's your thoughts on assisted suicide?

What's your thoughts on assisted suicide?

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One of the problems is that much of the medical industry is behind AS because it can save a shit ton of expenses. A significant percentage of the healthcare dollars go towards care in the last two years of life. Although I believe in palliative care, I also see how it is seen as a cost saving measure.

I know one health plan that set up the finances for palliative care like this:

For each patient assigned to the palliative care provider they received around $2,000 per month. The provider was expected to cover any medical care out of that 2k and gets to keep the rest. So the provider has incentive to not prescribe any tests or other care. Generally they go heavy on the pain killlers and little else. Patients with two years or less remaining were eligible to be assigned to palliative care.

I support anyone who makes the personal choice to do it but I am reluctant to be an advocate for it. There is too much room for institutions to withhold beneficial care.

Certainly it should be completely decriminalized.
Most of the ways that you could do yourself are painful though.

Using a gun or jumping off a building has got to hurt, at least for a split second. Plus you die in terror rather than a peaceful sleep.

You really need the right drug to make it the peaceful and fulfilling goodbye that it should be. And that drug, I don't even know what's it's called, isn't available to the public.

My belief is that it's my life, I should be able to end it whenever I want and however I want.

I would be in favor of a waiting period though, to stop people from killing themselves because of a temporary situation.

But if I've had time to think it over and I want to die, that's my decision and mine alone. Now give me my drug or I'll jump in front of your car.
If I'm suiciding myself I'm really not going to be concerned about what's available to the public. We have a beloved train driver on Sherdog who can spin a tale or two about PTSD with people ending their lives on train tracks. I couldn't jump in front of a car or train. Even to my grisly demise I'd feel too guilty.

I'd buy a boatload of heroin and OD. That isn't going to hurt. In my 47 years if I decided to end it there would be no FOMO, so no need for a cooling off period. I really don't think I would ever have the bollocks to do it no matter how grim life seemed.
i mean i guess il help but onyl as logn as whence its over i dotn get in toruble and i can haev plenry of weed so ica nforge tht ehorrible things ill have to do again
I think if my mind is going, harvest my working organs and end me.
Because without the terminal illness clause then you're just helping people with depression off themselves and that's royally fucked up.

My body my choice right? Sounds fine until you've buried some depressed combat veteran relatives and heard the screams of the children they left behind.

Respectfully disagree. Having lived with someone with severe, severe depression for 16 years now i see it totally different. I don't think you're giving enough merit to the absolute psychological prison some people live in. You've heard the screams and the cries of the loved ones but aren't putting enough weight on what the person who committed suicide was going through and for them, it never ends. It's a constant, everyday struggle and in a way, you're advocating for them having to spend their life in a prison.
If they want to die, let them die..
Say if someone terminally ill and suffering and will die in months. Is it humane to put this person down? I mean if this person is going to die anyways why not let them go if that's what they wish for. To prolong his or her death for longer period like months time is cruel imo.

They should have a choice at that point to pick if they want to move on or not.

I know if I was in that situation and I was going to die in months or weeks and am suffering in agony. There is no doubt in my mind I'd choose death ASAP. No point in living and going through that much pain.

So I ask you if you were in that situation would you want to die?

Against it. It goes against my religion. Ask Khabib. Bless GOAT.
100% for it. I've seen more people kill themselves then I can even count. In any way you can think of, poisoning, gunshots, hangings, jumping from a high rise, train, car crash, etc.

Let people go out with dignity
First option in the poll. Just give me the drugs, I'll take them myself.
a childhood friend of mine died of cancer a few years ago…he suffered greatly for the last year or so. colostomy bag, severe weight loss, he looked like he was 70 before he went but he was like 46. I don’t ever want to go through that. give me the drugs or I’ll run my truck in my closed garage and go peacefully
No need. I would do it for myself.
In my mom's case that wasn't an option by the end. She was down to 88lbs and could only lay there suffering. She was sick for years but deteriorated to that point in a month. My sister and I held her hands while she passed and she was grateful for the Drs help.

The following is not directed at you, but just a general statement.

The right to assisted death is a topic I'm immovable on. Mercy is a thing and subjecting someone to prolonged, deliberate suffering without hope is nothing short of torture.
In my mom's case that wasn't an option by the end. She was down to 88lbs and could only lay there suffering. She was sick for years but deteriorated to that point in a month. My sister and I held her hands while she passed and she was grateful for the Drs help.

The following is not directed at you, but just a general statement.

The right to assisted death is a topic I'm immovable on. Mercy is a thing and subjecting someone to prolonged, deliberate suffering without hope is nothing short of torture.
Mine was the same so I take that back. And I wouldn't do it to my husband. When we're gone it's up to them to pick up the pieces, not us.
I'm thankful with my mum's brain cancer that she was oblivious to what she was going through. It was me and step-dad who had to cope with it. Had she been in her right mind she would have wished it, but she wouldn't have gone through with it.
She did, at least choose not to go the Chemo route which would have given her 3 months or so extra but would have been even more miserable then the situation already was. We only explained it rather than trying to twist her arm.

Bless her, she always said she wanted to buried with a bottle of water and some suicide pills just in case they got it wrong.
im pro it even if you arent terminally ill.
Say if someone terminally ill and suffering and will die in months. Is it humane to put this person down? I mean if this person is going to die anyways why not let them go if that's what they wish for. To prolong his or her death for longer period like months time is cruel imo.

They should have a choice at that point to pick if they want to move on or not.

I know if I was in that situation and I was going to die in months or weeks and am suffering in agony. There is no doubt in my mind I'd choose death ASAP. No point in living and going through that much pain.

So I ask you if you were in that situation would you want to die?

I think we have a weird contradictory standard on morality when it comes to this.

  • Why do we put a pet to sleep if it is suffering too much? Because it is inhumane to allow an animal to suffer.
  • Why don't we allow assisted suicide to humans? Because it is inhumane to kill a person (outside of the death penalty or self-defense).
my freinds father just committed suicide due to developing an illness (cant remember what its called) that would make him forget everything and everyone he knows but would allow him to still live.

he just stopped eating or drinking anything and died in a few days.

i thought it took balls of steel to do it and showed great character.
I'm on the fence because of it ended up with hospital administration and insurance trying to force the the family into it to save money.

I think it should be allowed under very tight regulations.
Liberty and bodily autonomy all day. For.

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