What's your Moral Compass?


Green Belt
Nov 28, 2021
Reaction score
If you're not a psycho, you probably have some sort of moral compass. What's your moral compass? What guides you to make the morally right decisions?

Some people are religious so I assume they don't do things that their god would judge as wrong. Maybe it's the fear of going to hell.

Since I'm not religious, I go by how much of an asshole I feel I am. As a rule, I think directly hurting others is bad unless in self-defense, or I guess a mutually agreed upon contest like a prize fight. I don't like the way I feel about myself if I might have hurt someone.

Indirectly hurting others emotionally is a bit trickier for me because how many degrees of separation is required before one is morally acquitted? Fucking your buddy's wife and causing emotional distress in another person isn't a moral action even if you didn't physically hurt anyone. To a lesser degree, saying mean things to someone to hurt their feeling isn't cool either, but sometimes people can perceive something as being mean even if you don't intend to be mean. My intention isn't to hurt people, but my words or decisions may offend some people. So I try to keep my intentions good and pure, and at the same time do my best to be aware of how other people will perceive my words and actions.

I don't feel great about buying meat products that support industrial farming, or buying items will add to more plastic waste, but I still do it because I sometimes need to eat meat or buy something that comes in plastic packaging. I wouldn't hurt an animal, even a bug, directly unless it was attacking me like a mosquito or tick. Cockroaches are an exception though. I kill them even if they aren't a direct threat to me.
If you're not a psycho, you probably have some sort of moral compass. What's your moral compass? What guides you to make the morally right decisions?

Some people are religious so I assume they don't do things that their god would judge as wrong. Maybe it's the fear of going to hell.

Since I'm not religious, I go by how much of an asshole I feel I am. As a rule, I think directly hurting others is bad unless in self-defense, or I guess a mutually agreed upon contest like a prize fight. I don't like the way I feel about myself if I might have hurt someone.

Indirectly hurting others emotionally is a bit trickier for me because how many degrees of separation is required before one is morally acquitted? Fucking your buddy's wife and causing emotional distress in another person isn't a moral action even if you didn't physically hurt anyone. To a lesser degree, saying mean things to someone to hurt their feeling isn't cool either, but sometimes people can perceive something as being mean even if you don't intend to be mean. My intention isn't to hurt people, but my words or decisions may offend some people. So I try to keep my intentions good and pure, and at the same time do my best to be aware of how other people will perceive my words and actions.

I don't feel great about buying meat products that support industrial farming, or buying items will add to more plastic waste, but I still do it because I sometimes need to eat meat or buy something that comes in plastic packaging. I wouldn't hurt an animal, even a bug, directly unless it was attacking me like a mosquito or tick. Cockroaches are an exception though. I kill them even if they aren't a direct threat to me.
I thought of going vegan for ethical reasons, but it doesnt seems practical and convenient 😄🤣
I’m not religious, I’m a Christian and try to be obedient to the word of God as it’s written in the Bible. It’s hard because we are still in this sinful flesh and blood body in a fallen world. The struggle is real, repent and be secure in your salvation.
I try not to harm other people and not fuck them over. I try to get what I have honestly.
I am not an example of a morally righteous person since I indulge into some of my darker passions and sometimes have to lie to cover it up but at least I am not actively and purposely being an asshole to people.
If I wouldnt want it done to me, I try to avoid doing it to someone else. I try to keep that in mind before I act.

This is different than do unto others, in my opinion. I dont just do charitable acts to feel better about myself.

Beyond that, its kind of Evil being in the eye of the beholder.
My moral guidelines are Influenced by faith, mostly catholicism. But also I've picked up a few moral cues from lived experience

I understand how important family is, because my extended family is broken. I put much effort into trying maintain a good relationship with my wife and kids, so that it doesn't happen again to my part of the tree.

I understand how important it is to be considerate of others, at work to. Because we're all just trying to get though this shit together at the end of the day

Pron and degeneracy is bad, it reduces men and women to beasts. I was introduced to pron way too early.

Just a few examples, I'm still a work in progress
I don't like hurting people plus I believe in karma. I also feel that energy attracts the same type of energy. Meaning if you're bad and always have negative energy you'll attract bad people and negative events.