Whats wrong with my diet?


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Ok here is the deal, I am trying to gain 10 pounds of lean mass so I have been on this diet for the past month. Unfortunately so far I have lost 5 pounds and sometimes get constipated I think because I eat too much! Has anyone had a problem like this when trying to bulk? Maybe I need to take a fiber supplement or something. But I would like to know where I am going wrong. I am down to 155 and would like to at least get up in the 165-170 range.

6am - 3 eggs, 2 slices wheat bread, oatmeal, muscle milk shake

9am - peanut butter and jelly sandwhich on wheat

12pm - turkey sandwhich on wheat, pickles, almonds

3pm - apple, banana

6pm - chicken breast, brown rice, string beans and broccoli

7-9 excercise

10pm - muscle milk shake

My routine

Lift 3 x 1 hr/wk (push, pull, squat)
Muay Thai 2 x 1.5 hr/wk
Judo 2 x 2 hr/wk
MMA 2 x 1.5hr/wk

May seems like a lot of cardio but aside from Muay Thai I only break a light sweat. Anything I should adjust here? I am thinking of adding an MRP shake around 3. Thanks.
You have lost weight because you are not eating enough fucking food.

That and you are training a hell of a lot.

Would you consider dropping one Muay Thai and Judo class per week?
There are certainly more qualified people to answer this, but at first glance, I'd say you need to eat more. You activity level is pretty high. You're eating the right things for the most part, you just need more of them. You have to build a caloric surplus to grow.
That's not a lot of training, actually.
Jaxx said:
You have lost weight because you are not eating enough fucking food.

That and you are training a hell of a lot.

Would you consider dropping one Muay Thai and Judo class per week?

Ewwww, dude, don't drop the training, up the calories!
King Kabuki said:
That's not a lot of training, actually.

In terms of what he is actually comsuming and attempting to bulk up i think it is.
King Kabuki said:
That's not a lot of training, actually.

Compared to you we're all ballerinas KK. He's ahead of the curve.
bacon said:
Ewwww, dude, don't drop the training, up the calories!

I hear what your saying but if he wants to achieve some mass/strength gains i think he should get a couple of complete rest days in there. Just my opinon.
I hear what your saying but if he wants to achieve some mass/strength gains i think he should get a couple of complete rest days in there. Just my opinon.

He never said he trains more than 4 straight days per week. So he may be getting a couple complete rest days.

I say it's not a lot because if you look at the break-down, the most he's doing any one thing is 3 times per week, and that's just the weights. It could be a lot more, but I agree with bacon. He doesn't need to cease any on the training. A higher calorie intake from proper sources and consistency where that's concerned are going to be more effective.
I'm no expert, but shouldn't you just up the protein, carbs, and calories, cuz it really doesn't seem like you are eating that much.
I was eating more chicken at night but I stopped that when I started having problems taking a shit. I figured it was my bodies way of saying slow down. Is there anytime in the day I should eat more and am I going in the right direction content wise or should I add some other foods?

I train everyday but Sunday typically. Friday's I have to double up and Saturday's I do MMA and Muay Thai in the morning and then lift at night.
I was eating more chicken at night but I stopped that when I started having problems taking a shit. I figured it was my bodies way of saying slow down. Is there anytime in the day I should eat more and am I going in the right direction content wise or should I add some other foods?

Focusing too much on protein will do that to you. You could do with some more quality carbs like oats. And if you're only getting one serving of greens per day, or two servings at once, that's not quite enough.
King Kabuki said:
Focusing too much on protein will do that to you. You could do with some more quality carbs like oats. And if you're only getting one serving of greens per day, or two servings at once, that's not quite enough.

Yeah I was thinking that, the problem is I am work for about 12 hours out of the day and can't cook. Is there an easier way to get your greens so I can snack on them at work? I'd rather do that than take those veggie supplement pills.

btw thanks for the help guys
Yeah I was thinking that, the problem is I am work for about 12 hours out of the day and can't cook. Is there an easier way to get your greens so I can snack on them at work? I'd rather do that than take those veggie supplement pills.

Absolutely, it's called pre-cooking your meals on your day off.
Mojorisin99 said:
Yeah I was thinking that, the problem is I am work for about 12 hours out of the day and can't cook. Is there an easier way to get your greens so I can snack on them at work? I'd rather do that than take those veggie supplement pills.

btw thanks for the help guys

Eat broccoli. Get used to steaming it for like 30 seconds. Then down to 20 seconds, then 10 seconds, then you can just go out and buy it from the store and consume.
If you are trying to gain weight, consider using a weight gainer product. I used the GNC Weight Gainer 2200 and it worked very well. If you are having problems with your shits, definitely buy some colon-care stuff. It works well and it's cheap. High protein diets can cause problems of that sort easily because of the consistency of it.
Mojorisin99 said:
I was eating more chicken at night but I stopped that when I started having problems taking a shit. I figured it was my bodies way of saying slow down. Is there anytime in the day I should eat more and am I going in the right direction content wise or should I add some other foods?

I train everyday but Sunday typically. Friday's I have to double up and Saturday's I do MMA and Muay Thai in the morning and then lift at night.

Have a cup of coffee and an apple btween lunch and your pre-dinner meal. Thet will help with the regularity. I shit like clockwork. It's already been said, but don't neglect your greens.
another problem is that you aren't eating anything after your workout. don't drink muscle milk after your workout, drink something with more carbs and start drinking it directly after you workout, not an hour later. if you are going to use muscle milk, drink it at some other point in the day. and you need to eat an actual meal an hour or two after that.

you aren't getting near enough carbs to bulk up. from what i counted in your diet, that's probably around 200g/day.