I'm never sure what to take from these things since they're predicated on false presumptions in the first place.
This video has a different set of problems. The girl is wearing a clean white coat with a color ribbon in her hair and is visually engaging the people passing by. The guy has his hat pulled down low, wearing dark colors and is mostly not looking at anyone passing by. He even has the sign placed in front of him as he stares straight ahead. Her position is far more open and his is closed off. Of course, she's going to get more attention than he is.
But let's disregard those differences for a moment. Let's assume that the guy got less attention, how does this suggest a problem with "feminism" the ideology? If anything, it supports it. Feminism exists to combat unequal treatment and stereotyping of women. People giving more money to one homeless person than the other would suggest that they think one homeless person is less capable of fixing his/her homelessness. In this circumstance, they assume the woman is less capable which is what feminism says is bad.
But, someone is thinking, doesn't it show that women get more help than men? Sure, but the statistics support that homeless women are particularly vulnerable to sexaul abuse so it's entirely reasonable that the woman got more help because she's in more danger than the man was.
Anyway, bunch of speculation on my part but since the video is mostly crap, I figured that's fair.