Whats up with Woodley?


Orange Belt
Jan 5, 2017
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Orlando needs a main event and Covington needs to get Knocked out! Maybe, they can get this one going on that card? That would be a treat to see. What do you guys think?
Covington definitely needs knocked out.......by anyone, but Woodley will do just fine!
I think he had shoulder surgery not to long ago so probably recovery from that .
TS has a monkey as his AV and is asking "Whats up with Woodley"?


Edit: Damn people seem to be mad about the Woodley jokes today, huh?
I doubt Woodley will knock anyone out in a title defense. Maybe if he loses the title and then has to regain it.
he was on the rogan mma show recently. he just had shoulder surgery a week/2 weeks ago. he messed it up during the maia fight.
TS has a monkey as his AV and is asking "Whats up with Woodley"?


Edit: Damn people seem to be mad about the Woodley jokes today, huh?
A sasquatch is not a woman monkey<{cruzshake}>
I doubt Woodley will knock anyone out in a title defense. Maybe if he loses the title and then has to regain it.
Yo, I'm not a Woodley fan at all, but he can ko about anybody he hits clean. He's just fought some ridiculously tough dudes in Lawler and Thompson.
he just had shoulder surgery you doofus, he can't even throw punches with his right arm.

he said he'd probably be back around may-june-july.
RDA Vs Colby is fine by me.
TS has a monkey as his AV and is asking "Whats up with Woodley"?

You're the butt of this joke, I hope you agree, and it's a shit joke. Do yourself a favor and delete it.
What's getting tired? That he looks like a monkey?

No, people insulting him because he's more successful at life than they or anyone in their families will ever be.

He's making millions doing something he loves, which is much more than can be said for his shitbag haters.
Just had shoulder surgery two weeks ago. Won't be back until April at the earliest
He said he won't be able to train for another 2-3 months (shoulder surgery). Definitely want to see Colby get KO'd, but it will probably be RDA in a #1 contender fight.