What's the best way to buy a new car nowadays?


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah yeah I know new cars are a waste and I should buy used, but pretend for a second that you're not poor. Now what's the best way to shop for a new car?

I already know what model I want. But I just don't want to waste an entire day at the dealership talking to those scumbags.

I feel like someone on here was talking about a way to just go online and plug in your options then just go pick up your car with no haggling. Do you overpay if you do that? And if not, what site is it?
Lol at OP. telling us to pretend we’re not poor but asks if he’ll overpay if he orders online.

If you’re not poor. Do what’s the most convenient and not care about overpaying
I think they have that here too but instead they just show up and rob you.

I was thinking more along the lines of gaining knowledge from their extensive library about the process, more so than using their paid service. But unlike OP I am poor. If I pretend otherwise, I would just order the exact make/model/option package I wanted from the Dealer and not be concerned about paying a premium to do so. They have a shit ton of videos that could be beneficial to someone who isn't familiar with the process. Like the importance of negotiating "out the door" price, as well as when to discuss financing.
Most dealers have resolved inventory issues and have dropped mark ups, with the exception of some limited production cars.

Honestly, I'd just refuse to pay a Markup and only do business with a dealer that doesn't do them.
Nobody likes to get ripped off

if you care about getting ripped off, you’ll have no choice but to check local dealership websites and check out the prices. Then call them and ask them what’s the out the door price.

I was gonna get a brand new van but decided it wasn’t worth the extra $25k. We’ll see if I made the right move in a couple of months.
As someone who recently bought another car, I can tell you it's not easy right now. With the chip shortage, there is high demand and low inventory. Some popular models sell out the day they arrive, and many are making down payments to reserve them in advance before they're even built. Everywhere is marking up prices above MSRP. I sent out emails to a dozen places telling them I would be making a purchase in the next couple weeks, exactly what I wanted, asked for their lowest out the door price, and let them know I was contacting many different dealers and planned to go with the best deal. Talked to a bunch of them on the phone. A month (and half a dozen scummy car dealership experiences) later, I settled on one for MSRP + $299 worth of aftermarket items (mats, wheel locks).

You could possibly place an order directly from the car company, but I've heard that can take months. If you are interested in a Tesla (highly recommend), those are easy to order online.

If you're not in a rush, the chip situation may improve by the end of the year.
Buy it online from carguru or something similar. When you need a warranty repair don’t be surprised when you’re told it’ll be two months out before they can get you in.
People buy cars, have anal sex in them, and then return them all the time
Is that truecar thing still a thing? Start with the lowest price there. What have you got to lose besides money? See what the vending machine will sell it to you for. Heard they’re just a money losing operation
Pretend you’re not poor and you don’t worry about overpaying and asking a Karate forum about saving money. Pretend you’re not poor and you show up with straight cash homie.
Nah they steal those too.
Usually just cut the locks though, not at gunpoint

I'm getting the idea your behind the majority of the vehicle based crime in the area..............

Cunning plan to push up the price of pizza maybe.......