What's my bodyfat? (pics)


Clever user title
Feb 28, 2005
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I've been doing BJJ for about six months and but playing ice hockey forever. Recently I started paying more attention to my diet so between BJJ and that I lost 8 lbs in the last six months. I'm pretty sure I've gained a little muscle too.

I have a scale that measure my bodyfat between 17% and 20% depending on my hydration. I'm guessing it's a little high and my buddy's bodyfat is about 5% lower than his scale reads. His lower reading came from a doctor that works with athelete's conditioning.

Anyway, here area few pictures of me on vacation last month. What do you think my bodyfat is?

This is me catching a fish.

This is me after a little surfing. It's worth noting that the love handle on the side looks worse than normal because I'm leaning a bit.

I'm about 6' 180 lbs. What's my bodyfat?

BTW, no making fun of my weight unless you're over 32 and in better shape. :)

this is kinda gay so i'm not taking part...
vanguard_anon said:
I'm about 6' 180 lbs. What's my bodyfat?

BTW, no making fun of my weight unless you're over 32 and in better shape. :)

I'm 35. Can I make fun of your love handles?

Yeah, they're a bitch, aren't they? I didn't realize how bad mine were until my wife took a picture of me at the beach in Florida last May. It's one of the main things that prompted me to get back into BJJ (after a 7 year layoff), and I've been going for a couple months now. I've also joined a boxing gym.

I'm 5'11'' and I was about 185. I'm down to about 180, and my goal's 170-175. It's not much effort, really. Just keep training, cut out the empty carbs (soda/beer) and it stays off.

I work with some younger guys in their 20's, and they eat like pigs and drink beer like crazy. They're all skinny as rails with flat stomachs. Little f-ing bastards.... I know most of their dads, however - they're in their 40's and have giant beer guts and can't sprint 25 yards without gassing. Just wait - they'll be sorry they made fun of my spare tire...

Back to your original question - No, I don't know what your body fat % is. I don't even know mine, and I'm afraid to find out :redface: .
You look about 18-20 ish % IMO
possenti said:
I'm 35. Can I make fun of your love handles?
Sure, you've earned the right. :)

You're right, it's not a ton of work to get in better shape. When I was 19 I couldn't imagine how anybody could be fat. It's so easy to be in shape.

Well, then you get a desk job and a family and gain 2 lbs. Whatever, 2 lbs is nothing. Well, then it's 1 or 2 lbs a year for the next 13 years and before you know it you're a wreck. Anyway, I'm on the right track now. I'll have better looking abs by Christmas. :)
I guess that wasn't clear. Desk job at 19, yes. Family? Not until a few years later.
I'd say 17-20%. However this is a perfectly healthy range. Men want body fat in the range of like 12%-22%.
Hee hee... Here's me at 37:

Do I win?


I've had professional trainers put me at between 8 and 10% However I'm on my way to 7-11 for a couple of big bites and some ice cream so that number may not hold for a while...

Despite the above I'm still an astoundingly inept grappler.

Sorry. Uh, yeah I'd put you around 18%

possenti said:
I'm 35. Can I make fun of your love handles?

Any gym with personal trainers could get you a fairly accurate reading using body fat calipers (plus or minus 3% accuracy). It's difficult to just eyeball someone and tell what their body fat is.
The best way to do it is just pay a few bucks to get a water submerssion test. It's kinda hard to have somebody just ballpark it off the net.
Oh, I can beat both you old farts. Here's me about 10 months ago or so...my body fat% was 28.