I was super nervous because i had only had sex with one girl at that point in my life, but i thought i caught an STD because i saw some kind of rash on my junk.
This old Mexican nurse comes in with this Chinese doctor. The doctor says, in this really thick Chinese accent, "so, you like to party?" At first i thought he was hitting on me, but then i realized he must think I'm there because I'm some drug addict that whores himself out to gay men or something.
So i said no, and then he asked me to whip it out. He told me that he didn't think the rash was an STD but they'd check just to be sure.
Then the old Mexican lady who hasn't spoken a word to me yet just grabs my dick and jams a Q tip in my dick hole, then scrapes it along the inside.
It caught me so far off guard that i almost punched her. Fortunately i just winced and dropped an f bomb.
Then i had to go out to the waiting room and wait for them to call me in to discuss my results. I was worried someone would walk in and recognize me. I was worried i had AIDS. But i played this game where i tried to figure out who tested positive by the look on their face as they left.
Finally it was my turn. They told me i didn't have chlamidia or something and i was like, do i have AIDS? And they're like, oh we didn't test for that.