What you're all missing about the Helwani ban...


"What the **** is a Dim Mack?"
Mar 8, 2007
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Zuffa banned Esther Lin, too. Easily the best photographer in combat sports, she has taken some amazing photos over the last decade or so, and now she'll be relegated to boxing and Bellator, etc.



Somewhere Scott Coker is celebrating this
Zuffa banned Esther Lin, too. Easily the best photographer in combat sports, she has taken some amazing photos over the last decade or so, and now she'll be relegated to boxing and Bellator, etc.




Why did they ban Lin?
I think UFC fucked up this time and they'll turn things around. I honestly can't see this as being permanent.

Most of my coverage for the UFC comes from MMAFighting.com.
Meh we got photoshop now who needs photographers
I know Esther

Wow that's crazy.

Ariel I understand but Esther the little quiet photo girl just wow

I guess Tracy horse tits is coming back
Anyone could take the same photos in her position. just saying.

I legit feel terrible that she lost her job though :(
Did she get banned last night along with Ariel?
Are you sure you're not confusing Lin with horse faced Tracy Lee
I would like to get more intel on why UFC did this. I have been involved in some situations in which organizations "embargo" stories they release to the press (provide a release of information on the understanding that the press will not put it out until a certain time). Then there is also the "off the record" conversation and the "broad background" disclosure of information. There are also situations in which they open events or locations to photographers but only on an agreement that certain things are off limits. Maybe this situation involves violations of understandings like those.
in before some zuffa paid shill claim ufc did the right thing
Makes it even more fucked up. Kicking those photographers out just because they're Ariel's colleagues.
Good photographers are a dime a dozen...no loss here, none!
Those photos are legendary, pretty ballsy on the UFC's part to ban her.
Ariel always asks questionz I want to hear about. He seemz to relate well with the fighterz. So sad to see this happening.
