What will the generation boys & girls raised 30 years from now be like???


Brown Belt
Dec 7, 2014
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Went to a pastry shop…the way some of the clientele carried themselves just had this air of spoiled rotten. This made me wonder what things will be like in the future?
Went to a pastry shop…the way some of the clientele carried themselves just had this air of spoiled rotten. This made me wonder what things will be like in the future?
In 30 years there won't even be boys and girls, only genderfluids

But the biology stays the same until big pharma steps in

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Sensitive to everything including the sunshine. Lots of mental health issues. Anxiety. Depression. Acceptance and self esteem issues. Poor social skills.
The people in charge today are the fourth turning, so the boys and girls of today will be the next greatest generation.
I think there will be a backlash against all this nonsense and 30 years from now it will return to semi-normal.

People will see the consequences of the Western world making bad decisions so countries like China and India will learn from our example and not follow suit.

And since those will be the 2 world powers by then, other countries will follow their lead and ignore silly places like the US and UK where people don't even know what gender they are.
They'll probably be raised in a war torn country and be much tougher than the alphabet people of today.
The Scouts for boys and girls. Whomever identifies any gender and feels underage
I think there will be a backlash against all this nonsense and 30 years from now it will return to semi-normal.

People will see the consequences of the Western world making bad decisions so countries like China and India will learn from our example and not follow suit.

And since those will be the 2 world powers by then, other countries will follow their lead and ignore silly places like the US and UK where people don't even know what gender they are.
China is gonna be having major problems of their own with 40 years of their one child policy coming back to bite them in the ass, basically they're gonna half the population and im between you're gonna have a ton of old people to look after and barely anyone working.
