And 3 fights total, I know I'm less interested. Dana's sucking of Mcdolly chunker's dick all the time is kinda biting him in his ass at this point. Dana's literally like one of those bad parents that give their kids everything but don't ever discapline them, and next you know they are terrible brats.Considering 2 great fights were knocked off the card it will do worse.
All his stupid antics aside, what will it do for 223’s ppv numbers? The conor incident generated main stream attention 223 would have otherwise never got.
3 fights canceled, the guy getting all the attention isn't even fighting, so probably nothing imo. Casual fans will come out in droves to buy the next Conor fight though.
ye i would say about tree fiddy
conor doesnt even fight so whom would buy a card based on his appearance in a parking lot?![]()
Fucking stop with this bullshit. Conor isn’t in 223 and he put the entire card in jeopardy. 3 solid fights are now canceled, the card is more fucked than before the incident.
More casuals because of the publicity but fewer Micheal Chiesa, Ray Borg, Anthony Pettis, Brandon Moreno, Artem Lobov and Alex Caceres fans so....... probably a net gain.