What was the Sherdog consensus about Diaz vs Silva (Pre-fight)?

I agree that he lost all, just saying that they were all worried about his standup and dodged that.
I see your point. I think it was more of those three guys not falling for Diaz game plan, and implementing their own. I would have liked to see a war between Condit/Diaz, Silva/Diaz. It is what it is though. They both outclassed him regardless.
It wasn't as bad of a match up as people like to say. Diaz is an offensive pressure boxer and Silva likes to counter.

For the first time ever, Diaz recognized that he might be in danger going forward with boxing combos. Hence his piss poor leg kicks, taunting, and basically nothing happening.

Silva won in unimpressive fashion. Which isn't unusual.
Pretty sure the unanimous consensus was a roided Silva was not going to be able to finish a baked Diaz
Pre-Fight consensus was that Anderson was going to eat him... which was never going to happen because Nick is too durable, and too aware of range.

Then post-fight consensus was that Anderson looked like shit, and Nick showed no desire to scrap and was entirely ineffectual... which is entirely untrue as well. Anderson looked good, actually. He threw a number of spectacular fight ending sorts of maneuvers out there and just never landed one because Nick was never out of position. For his part, Nick did a great job of not only avoiding the error of over extending that almost everyone makes against Anderson, but he also did a great job of landing hard shots in the clinch, and finding success with a repeated body/head combo.

It was not a particularly close fight. But both guys performed well. What really had everyone's panties in a bunch was that they wanted to see Anderson flat line Nick, they were certain that's what they would see, and when they didn't, they wanted to complain about a bunch of bullshit instead of giving some credit where it was due.
This fight proved that GSP is the far superior fighter to Anderson. GSP completely dominated Diaz who, after the fight, had the looks and the emotions of a rape victim and was not even thinking he might had won a single round.

After the Silva fight, during which Diaz clowned Silva, Diaz looked fresh and stated that he had won all rounds (and one or two rounds were actually pretty close). Anderson, the MW, could do jack shit to Diaz, while GSP, the WW, outclassed Diaz and won every single round by a wide margin.
Agree somewhat, but then again his last in his last three fights condit straight up ran from him, silva didn't really do much and gsp refused to stand with him. Now why do you think that is? There's a reason
Complete myth about the Condit fight

Think Diaz fans were expecting Condit to just stand in front of Nick and lose the fight
GSP had just 50-45 Diaz. There was no way Silva was going to lose to him.

It would be hard to imagine anybody thinking Diaz had any realistic chance.
Complete myth about the Condit fight

Think Diaz fans were expecting Condit to just stand in front of Nick and lose the fight
No I'm not that big a fan of diaz and ik what you're talking about. But it really is true that condit really didn't want any part of nick.
No I'm not that big a fan of diaz and ik what you're talking about. But it really is true that condit really didn't want any part of nick.
He wanted to win

And employed a perfectly sensible strategy to do so

He played to his strengths not nicks and won because of it
This fight was shockingly unpopular. I think mostly due to the fact on paper these guys don't match up well. The fight ended up proving it. Neither of these guys are risk takers likes Georges.
u must not have seen nick vs daily
I thought the fight was very close. I know, I know, but I just felt like Diaz got the better punches in, as the much smaller and less powerful fighter. You can bash me, but why, Ya know?
I never thought Diaz had a chance and thought it was a clown fight on paper and in execution. Diaz refusing to engage and pretending he won the fight was rich.
I think there were a lot of Diaz fans/Silva haters that thought Diaz would beat Silva.

The ”no one stands with Diaz and comes out as the winner” idea was rearing it’s head again. As did ”Silva never fought good strikers and will get exposed” thing.

I thought Silva would dominate, even if his best days were long gone. He did, 50-45.

Anderson fought like he was terrified. Considering he was roided up aswell vs a WW it was an embarrassing performance from him