what type of fighter would you be if you were a fighter?


Jul 17, 2017
Reaction score
cardio for days
strong as fuck and jacked
lay and pray
'fighting safe'
afraid to strike
afraid of getting hit
mentally weak (you get hit hard and start losing and you never come back unless opponent gasses and dies in middle of octagon like carwin did vs lesnar).
grappler mainly
striker mainly
brawler etc?

I would be jacked and strong as fuck but have shit cardio after 2 rounds or 2.5 rounds. I think i would be the kind that folds after getting his ass whooped. If I was a pro fighter my focus would be being strong as hell and jacked and then grappling. I would want to fight like khabib or less fast romero.

i hate idea of being much weaker or lanky in a division and hate idea of training cardio for days. also dont want to get hit standing much so i would want to take guys down and be on top. also hate idea of being on my back! fuck that!
PEDs abusser

oh no doubt. I would then become a fitness model after my ufc career did not workout. I doubt i would have what it takes to be champion or if i did no way would i hold it too lazy.
I'd be the typical Sherdog Poster.

6,5, godlike power and cardio like a marathon runner.
Last edited:
cardio for days
strong as fuck and jacked
lay and pray
'fighting safe'
afraid to strike
afraid of getting hit
mentally weak (you get hit hard and start losing and you never come back unless opponent gasses and dies in middle of octagon like carwin did vs lesnar).
grappler mainly
striker mainly
brawler etc?

I would be jacked and strong as fuck but have shit cardio after 2 rounds or 2.5 rounds. I think i would be the kind that folds after getting his ass whooped. If I was a pro fighter my focus would be being strong as hell and jacked and then grappling. I would want to fight like khabib or less fast romero.

i hate idea of being much weaker or lanky in a division and hate idea of training cardio for days. also dont want to get hit standing much so i would want to take guys down and be on top. also hate idea of being on my back! fuck that!
I'll tap immediately when the bell rings and climb out of the cage.
Twitter warrior. The easiest road towards title contention.
cardio for days
strong as fuck and jacked
lay and pray
'fighting safe'
afraid to strike
afraid of getting hit
mentally weak (you get hit hard and start losing and you never come back unless opponent gasses and dies in middle of octagon like carwin did vs lesnar).
grappler mainly
striker mainly
brawler etc?

I would be jacked and strong as fuck but have shit cardio after 2 rounds or 2.5 rounds. I think i would be the kind that folds after getting his ass whooped. If I was a pro fighter my focus would be being strong as hell and jacked and then grappling. I would want to fight like khabib or less fast romero.

i hate idea of being much weaker or lanky in a division and hate idea of training cardio for days. also dont want to get hit standing much so i would want to take guys down and be on top. also hate idea of being on my back! fuck that!
Strong as fuck Lay n Prayer like Usman to minimize damage to myself.
A psychopath who starts smiling when he's getting punched in the face
Floyd Mayweather but with no chin, no boxing, flatfooted, no head movement, no looks, no charisma, no business skills and also caucasian
Bait and Wait.

I like to counter strike and throw spinning shit.

One who retires with the exact same record as CM Punk has right now.

0-1 after getting choked out. I’d take my Reebok money, go home, buy a Conor McGregor Burger King meal and post about it on here. The best part is, after buying the meal I’d still have around 50p left over from the Reebok money.
o'malley type, so i could just showcase my goofy ass point karate capoeira spinning type shit and not have to worry about losing cause my opponents are tanking fights.
Lay and Pray just to piss everyone off and then get on the mic and tell them all their spoiled casual fans who don't understand it's still winning.