What to expect at BJJ dojo vs Judo dojo

Resident A-hole

Orange Belt
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
I've been training Judo for a while now. My concern is that half of the class is little kids and many of the adults are outta shape, overweight, or soccer mom types who are not into serious training. Only 4-5 people from the class randori. Judo is great, but I want to train serously. I have basically decided that this environment is not for me. I feel like a jackass when I look around & I'm training on a mat with 8 year olds.

I want to switch to BJJ. My question is whether BJJ dojos are at all like this. I am looking for a training environment with other 20-40yr old males, not kids or soccer moms. What type of people does a typical BJJ class consist of?
its never usually like that at a bjj class. they usually have a class for kids. and then a class for adults.. 20-40 year olds. theres typically a few women in that class, but mostly young and middle aged men, and definitely no soccer moms.
well the school i train at there's no one under 17 and no one over 40 i believe (maybe 1 guy) ... and there's a separate class for girls and guys

there're offcourse some people who take the training more seriously then others (i try to train with the people who are good as much as i can) so even if there's one or two guys that are just there to loose weight you can roll with other people

overall most people at our school train hard
Thanks for the replies.

I'm not saying I want to train for ADCC or UFC or anything, just self-defense & maybe an occasional competition. I just want to be able to go at it hard with others who have the same goals. It sounds like BJJ is more my style.
Your problem isn't really Judo versus BJJ. It is more recreational club versus competitive club.

Currently, due to BJJ's reputation has a hardcore tough guy martial art, you are more likely to find a competitive BJJ club than a competitive Judo club. However, this isn't always true and probably won't be true 50 years from now. After all, when Judo first started, it was considered a hardcore tough guy martial art too.

I don't think it is bad to have recreational clubs. Not everyone has the desire to become a grappling machine, and I think BJJ and Judo still have a lot to offer soccer moms, overweight middle age guys, etc. However, for your case, it seems like you'll be better off at a more competitive club that doesn't teach those types. You can try a BJJ club or maybe a different Judo club in your area that competes frequently.

Also, mixing full grown adults and 8 year old kids is a big mistake on the part of your instructor. With that kind of age gap, there should always be two separate classes. I would recommend you find a new club even on that fact alone.
Resident A-hole said:
Thanks for the replies.

I'm not saying I want to train for ADCC or UFC or anything, just self-defense & maybe an occasional competition. I just want to be able to go at it hard with others who have the same goals. It sounds like BJJ is more my style.
tru good luck ... your judo experience should help you a lot especially with takedowns as thats something a lot of bjj schools don't focus much on which i think is stupid since you can't really use bjj unless you take the opponent down or they take u down
Balto said:
Your problem isn't really Judo versus BJJ. It is more recreational club versus competitive club.

Also, mixing full grown adults and 8 year old kids is a big mistake on the part of your instructor. With that kind of age gap, there should always be two separate classes. I would recommend you find a new club even on that fact alone.

Great response, I fully agree. I am not bashing judo in any way, just concerned about the culture of the school. I never understood the kids in the same class either. There was a 5 year old that hjad an adult land on them a few weeks ago, not good.

There are no other local judo clubs, so I'l be trying BJJ soon.
My Judo class is pretty tough. Everyone is in very good shape and half the class are blackbelts. We work hard and by the end of the class your gonna go home pretty sore. Maybe you should try another school.
Why not just join another Judo school? I'm sure there are more competetive ones out there. You make it sound like most Judo schools are like this.
As I said earlier, there are no other judo clubs in my area. I'm sure all clubs are not like this, but I've never been anywhere else.
Resident A-hole said:
I've been training Judo for a while now. My concern is that half of the class is little kids and many of the adults are outta shape, overweight, or soccer mom types who are not into serious training. Only 4-5 people from the class randori. Judo is great, but I want to train serously. I have basically decided that this environment is not for me. I feel like a jackass when I look around & I'm training on a mat with 8 year olds.

I want to switch to BJJ. My question is whether BJJ dojos are at all like this. I am looking for a training environment with other 20-40yr old males, not kids or soccer moms. What type of people does a typical BJJ class consist of?
Yeah, my Judo class is the same. It's more of a 'fun' class, but it gives me good practice for throws, so I don't mind.
My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class is much different. Everyone there is there to train hard. If there's a moment break in the class, someone's hitting the striking bags. All we care about in class is to become as good at grappling as we can.
Resident A-hole said:
I've been training Judo for a while now. My concern is that half of the class is little kids and many of the adults are outta shape, overweight, or soccer mom types who are not into serious training. Only 4-5 people from the class randori. Judo is great, but I want to train serously. I have basically decided that this environment is not for me. I feel like a jackass when I look around & I'm training on a mat with 8 year olds.

I want to switch to BJJ. My question is whether BJJ dojos are at all like this. I am looking for a training environment with other 20-40yr old males, not kids or soccer moms. What type of people does a typical BJJ class consist of?


Terrible school.

My judo school is hardcore... If you don't puke every now and then during training it's a miracle. We usually do randori straight for most of the class without pause, so you most defenetley will puke out your pancreas by the end. That's when we start doing the final work out and it's usually then that you start seeing the devil.
flamenco diablo said:

Terrible school.

My judo school is hardcore... If you don't puke every now and then during training it's a miracle. We usually do randori straight for most of the class without pause, so you most defenetley will puke out your pancreas by the end. That's when we start doing the final work out and it's usually then that you start seeing the devil.

That's awesome dude.
flamenco diablo said:
My judo school is hardcore... If you don't puke every now and then during training it's a miracle. We usually do randori straight for most of the class without pause, so you most defenetley will puke out your pancreas by the end. That's when we start doing the final work out and it's usually then that you start seeing the devil.
Your school sounds great, that's what I had in mind when I started judo. I think i've just fallen into a rut dealing with the way my class is.
My Judo school is the same as flameco diablo's, but we also do a lot of ground work as well.
Balto said:
Your problem isn't really Judo versus BJJ. It is more recreational club versus competitive club.

Currently, due to BJJ's reputation has a hardcore tough guy martial art, you are more likely to find a competitive BJJ club than a competitive Judo club. However, this isn't always true and probably won't be true 50 years from now. After all, when Judo first started, it was considered a hardcore tough guy martial art too.

I don't think it is bad to have recreational clubs. Not everyone has the desire to become a grappling machine, and I think BJJ and Judo still have a lot to offer soccer moms, overweight middle age guys, etc. However, for your case, it seems like you'll be better off at a more competitive club that doesn't teach those types. You can try a BJJ club or maybe a different Judo club in your area that competes frequently.

Also, mixing full grown adults and 8 year old kids is a big mistake on the part of your instructor. With that kind of age gap, there should always be two separate classes. I would recommend you find a new club even on that fact alone.

You hit the nail on the head. Great post that showed good understanding of the way a martial art changes over time. When I started TKD, 20 years ago, I was one of the few kids in the class. Most of the rest were men between 20 and 40. Sometimes they would kick me so hard I would skid across the floor on my butt.

But things change. Now it is hard to find a class that is not dominated by kids and women. And, unfortunately, if you don't have sparring partners that can really push you it is hard to reach your potential.

My Sambo class is almost entirely young men (with one woman, but she is an amazon in the best possible sense of the world (tall and fit)). This too will change, however, as Sambo is absorbed into popular culture. Eventually you'll have the soccer moms dropping off and taking Sambo classes...

Not really an issue of styles. Just an issue of perception by the masses.
go to a bjj school, from the sound of your post , its exactly what youree looking for,

we do 5 ten minute rounds back to back, against different opponents with a minute break in between while the instructor matches you up with some one else. i love it. makes you use your energy alot more wisely , cant go balls to the wall, still got 4 rounds to go with god knows who!! you use ALOT more technique when your worn down.
Resident A-hole said:
I've been training Judo for a while now. My concern is that half of the class is little kids and many of the adults are outta shape, overweight, or soccer mom types who are not into serious training. Only 4-5 people from the class randori. Judo is great, but I want to train serously. I have basically decided that this environment is not for me. I feel like a jackass when I look around & I'm training on a mat with 8 year olds.

I want to switch to BJJ. My question is whether BJJ dojos are at all like this. I am looking for a training environment with other 20-40yr old males, not kids or soccer moms. What type of people does a typical BJJ class consist of?

Man, it's not about judo clubs v bjj clubs.
Just your judo club didn't have the members you needed to train with.
I'm sure you can find a different judo club, unless it's really the switch to bjj you are after.
Some judo clubs are, unfortunately, like the thread starters. I call them Ju-Ho. They claim all sorts of fame from being Judo, but they seldom spar, never place and generally suck. Find a more competitive club, like one that trains fighters for the university worl games, they are almost as good as olympic caliber clubs.
BJJ is great too. I like to do both, but generally do more Judo as it is cheaper, one day, hopefully, more BJJ clubs will open up and drive the prices down!
the soccer moms at my academy are so fucking technical it's crazy....