What popular movies that everyone has seen have you not watched?

The Last Samurai
-2.5hours seems like a bit of a commitment

I'll say the same thing I've been telling myself for ages; "I'll watch it soon"
Never seen Never Back Down
I dunno. Avengers: Age of Ultron? Fast and the Furious 5-8?
Name a mobster movie and I likely haven't seen it. Godfather, Scarface, Goodfellas, etc. I just don't like the genre.

And, because I usually get asked this when making that statement: I don't like them because my life generally sucks (major depressive disorder for nearly 20 years now) and for me media is an escape from that. I don't need to spend time watching shitty people do shitty things.
Forrest Gimp, Dark Knight Rises, Schindler's List.


O, Brother, Where Art Thou
- Harry Potter anything
- Avatar
- Titanic
- Alien
- Predator

- Rambo
- Citizen Kane
- Debbie Does Dallas

born on the 4th of july,haven't actually seen shawshank from start to finish.
Generally I would be similar in terms of not being a big fan of the other stuff you list here(well I am of LOTR with Astin in it but that's much latter) but I do think the Goonies is worth seeing as a class above most of that stuff(albeit still not a classic) and actually having some quite convincing Indiana Jones action/traps in it.
The Goonies is a big pile of "meh." I do not know @jeicex even a little bit but I can say with 100% confidence he would hate it based on his explanation for his dislike of coming of age films.

To answer the OP I have not seen any of the Harry Potter movies, off the top of my head.
I do tend to have a bias against stuff that comes across as too overtly Oscar baitfish, the likes of Hidden Figures recently for example.

I tend to play a waiting game there, if people are still singings its praises after a good period of time I might go back to it.
Comic book movies like Deadpool, I haven't even seen the X-Men movies. Actually I think I watched the first one when it came out but didn't like it, didn't really feel like X-Men to me, I don't like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

Blows my mind how many of you have never seen Rocky. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Never finished titanic
Never watched godfather
Besides the 1st film, haven't watched the rest of the pirates of the Caribbean movies
None of the classics like Casablanca, citizen Kane, orson welles, gone with the wind, stuff like that.
Zero twilight movies
Apocalypse now
Blade runner (will watch it before this new one comes out though)
And a bunch of others
A lot of new 60's stuff generally I must admit, a few guys like Brando and Jimmy Stewart and some European/Japanese new wave that was more naturalistic are fine but so much of classic Hollywood just comes across as too wooden and stagey for me and hard to get into as a result.