What other Bellator fighter is allowed to have threads in the heavies?

Pequeño Corey

Steve Lukather Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
War Fedor. This is why he’s the GOAT. The mods understand, because gods recognize gods.
They have generally been pretty nice about letting big bellator cards getting discussed the night of, especially when there is no UFC on.
My Fedor with people thread was moved though.

Oh well...

They have generally been pretty nice about letting big bellator cards getting discussed the night of, especially when there is no UFC on.

If said fighter is former Pride or UFC, there does seem to be a little more leniency.
Thanks, but thank Fedor, for some reason he is just good with people and icecreams and shit.

Lol I thank Fedor everyday, for every blessing. I also thank him for turmoil, as it makes me stronger.
He’s fighting a former UFC Champ. Maybe that’s why
If a circus show between a woman-beating retired boxer and a dolly-throwing part-time MMA fighter had its own subforum, why shouldn’t Bellator (the consensus #2 org in US and arguably Top 3-5 in the world) and/or Fedor (who is constantly having threads made about him) have one? I’m not trolling or bashing, I’m really asking.
Rory should be allowed too
Mods are a bunch of nostalgic Pride fans, that is Why they let Fedor threads stay.