Social What name would you choose for yourself ?

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Jan 26, 2015
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If you would change your real name, you would change it to what name ?
Was reading about Vitor's next boxing match just a few minutes ago and thought to myself "if I was an American, I'd like to be named Chad Dawson". Sounds cool as hell.
I actually love my name because I was named after my grandfathers. So there is great meaning to it. I feel honored to be named after those two amazing men.
I wouldn't change my name. But I work out with a guy whose name is (I am changing it slightly as to protect his identity and right to privacy) LeDerrion De'Shawn Williams. He goes by Shawn and is having it legally changed.
My real name is Chris. I wish it wasn't a common name.

99.99% time someone yells it, never for me.
Max Power
Lothar of the Hill People
Bob Maplethorpe
Franklin Herbert Roosevelt

something with dingity and class, reflective of me and how i conduct myself