What kind of men do women like these days?


Nov 27, 2008
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What kind of men are these fickle millenial women into these days?

I am a real man, Don Frye type of guy. It seems these millenial females are going for the effeminate, fragile noodered male that puts on skin cream. Horrendous. Look at the latest bachelor on the tv show who has to choose between 10 hot chicks. He is limp wristed and lispy. Unbelievable.
What kind of men are these fickle millenial women into these days?

I am a real man, Don Frye type of guy. It seems these millenial females are going for the effeminate, fragile noodered male that puts on skin cream. Horrendous. Look at the latest bachelor on the tv show who has to choose between 10 hot chicks. He is limp wristed and lispy. Unbelievable.

I like women with skinny bodies and fat asses,

And also pretty faces.

I have one of those girls in my life. A skinny beauty with a fat bum.

The other girls are fatties I smash for fun and to bust nuts. And I have this one homely chick who sometimes comes over and cleans my apartment and I bang her too.

Bachelor life sucks for the average looking middle class guy with below average social skills. But I’m on my way to being moderately wealthy and In much better shape. I’ve probably smashed 10 smoking hot girls and 40 fatties in my days on the prowl.

Not the fake kind like you that need to ask.

But the real ( i think were up to 6'5 250lbs now as the new bench mark? ) ones who squat 400lbs and mack 10s with rounded elbows
What kind of men are these fickle millenial women into these days?

I am a real man, Don Frye type of guy. It seems these millenial females are going for the effeminate, fragile noodered male that puts on skin cream. Horrendous. Look at the latest bachelor on the tv show who has to choose between 10 hot chicks. He is limp wristed and lispy. Unbelievable.

lol@insecure guys like you threatened by the competition from desirable males who actually take care of themselves and groom themselves. I'm sure you'd want a slovenly lardass who wears sweatpants all day too.

lol@insecure guys like you threatened by the competition from desirable males who actually take care of themselves and groom themselves. I'm sure you'd want a slovenly lardass who wears sweatpants all day too.

Actually I'm a competitive bodybuilder.

lol@insecure guys like you threatened by the competition from desirable males who actually take care of themselves and groom themselves. I'm sure you'd want a slovenly lardass who wears sweatpants all day too.
you know that pic is a play on what women say all the time right?
Dude, get out of the house. There are all types of women who like all types of men.