Elections What is the rights solution to child poverty?

Can you explain to me why food banks would exaggerate the rate of food insecurity? I excited to see how dumb your conspiracy-addled mind will be here.

Even better: Let's hear it from your big brain: What do you think the rate of food insecurity is in California?

Are you under the impression that stoves don't break or something? Or that everyone lives within easy reach of an affordable grocery store?

For job security? I mean why would a food bank tell the world that their customers are fat and overweight and don't need more food? The cafoodbanks.org site even lists "worry about running out of food" as a reason to list someone under the food insecurity banner. I'm not saying that there aren't people out there that don't need food but it's very rare for Americans to run out of food with all the current programs we currently have. I see no reason to throw even more money at programs that are already making people fat.

Have you guys ever been around poor people before? I ask this as a serious question because it's as if you are living in some sort of fantasy world when we talk about this stuff. I grew up poor and I still have plenty of family members that are poor. Go to a poor neighborhood and the parents and kids are much fatter on average than a normal neighborhood in the suburbs. That's not due to not having enough food. That's due to making poor food choices and those poor food choices aren't purely dictated by lack of funds. Go walk around a poor neighborhood and count all the incredibly skinny, malnourished kids running around. You won't see any because this isn't a 3rd world country. Kids are fed incredibly well, even if the parents don't work at all. In fact they're overfed more often than not. This country has an epidemic of obesity and it's not because there's a ton of fat rich people. It's the complete opposite. How have you not noticed this at all?

Of all the problems that America faces, feeding kids even more food than they're currently eating is damn near the bottom.