What is the most George Costanza-esque quality you have?


Silver Belt
Oct 5, 2011
Reaction score
I crap with my shirt off. Literally the best way to take a shit.

ha. this is a good one. I have many qualities of his. I too like to crap naked. I also have a thick wallet like his. finally I like to separate my worlds. for instance I am not facebook friends with my wife or her family. I go so far to not have any mutual friends.

My come backs are awesome.
I sleep under my desk at work

Not really but I would if I had a job
I'm short..and I too like to crap with my shirt off
I fucked a girl and ate a pastrami sandwich at the same time

And by pastrami I don't mean large labias. I mean an actual sandwich
I really look up to men with jobs, real jobs.
This guy carried this whole fucking series for years
ha. this is a good one. I have many qualities of his. I too like to crap naked. I also have a thick wallet like his. finally I like to separate my worlds. for instance I am not facebook friends with my wife or her family. I go so far to not have any mutual friends.

"Crap naked" ... Idk if george did that my man

As for myself I eat candy bars with a fork and have hidden pops in my recliner.
I know where the restroom is everywhere I go.

I double dip

It moves when I get massages from men

I pee in the shower

I always make sure the owner sees me tip.
One time I was eating onions and spotting dimes. I didn't know what the heck was going on