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What is the deal with Gracie Barra???


Jan 6, 2008
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Is anyone familiar with what courses (if any) the instructors have to take to become a Gracie Barra? How much do the schools have to kick back to Gracie Barra each month? Because they have an ABSURD number of schools.

From what I can gather they have "official schools" and "affiliated schools"

Here is the link to "official schools" : : : : GRACIE BARRA : : : :
Here is the link to "affliliated schools" : : : : GRACIE BARRA : : : :

They have a total of 181 schools (from my count) Do you think they can possibly maintain a high quality of instruction when you have 181 schools worldwide? Are they considered a McDojo by BJJ standards?

I used to own a school called Tiger Schulmann's Karate (Welcome to Tiger Schulmann's Mixed Martial Arts) and they are labeled a McDojo, because he has about 50 schools (NY, NJ, Connecticut, Pennslyvania and Florida) but every instructor has to train under Danny Schulmann (who is a DICK by the way) at least once a week.
To become an owner of a TSK; you must first become a black belt, then pass instrcutor certification course so they know you can teach, then you have to train under Danny Schulmann 3 days a week for YEARS to become a "Sensei", then you can own a school, IF you have the money lol you open a school....It costs about $300K and the owner must pay for the build out.

So if TSK is considered a McDojo and they have those ^ standards....I am curious what standards Barra has, and if you guys consider them to be a BJJ McDojo?
Like I said, I both trained at TSK and owned the school......and even I consider them to be a McDojo but they cater to every age group (3yrs - Adult) so it works for them. Only about 1% of there students compete, they are not a great fighting organization. There goal is cater to every demographic so entire families can train. So what is Barra's goal bc BJJ does not cater to everyone. It's 95% males, between 15yrs and 40yrs most of whom would like to compete at some point. So if your students are looking to compete it is even more important to have a high standard of teaching.

I know some of you train at Barra so Im curious if you train at a "official school" or an "affliaited school" - Do you know what guidlines you must meet to become a Barra school? How much does the school have to kick back to Barra? Do you have to be a black belt? Do you have to pass a test?
so just curious trickster, how long did it take you from the day you walked into a tsk school to the time you "owned a school"? you make it sound like such a long time, but i see some instructors and they look really young...
Gracie barra along with Humaita and Carlson gracie was one of the first bjj schools in brasil. Carlos gracie Jr took over Rolls gracie's school in barra and started developing students. Gracie barra has a ginormous amount of LEGIT BLACK BELTS. Gracie Barra has numerous former and current world champions and black belt who have trained with champions sinc white belt. That's is why if a barra black belt teaches at a school he will most likely be legit. Barra is legit. They just had a stable of QUALITY black belts to prepare for the bjj boom in the us.
I beleive that gracie barra has the largest number of BB competing at mundials this weekend, over 20 legit BB's including Roger and Otavio Souza
interesting thread. I've also wondered how they can maintain so many schools. Quite a few have opened around my area in Huntington Beach. I do know the instructors are very qualified Black Belts with good experience. So far business seems ok but many of the schools are very new. I just don't think they can maintain so many so close. I'm sure we'll see some closing in the near future.
Gracie barra is obviously a monster club, but what is the deal with its "affiliate program"? Whenever I hear the term "affiliate," a flag goes up.
so just curious trickster, how long did it take you from the day you walked into a tsk school to the time you "owned a school"? you make it sound like such a long time, but i see some instructors and they look really young...

5 years
Another question, if you don't mind ... was it profitable? I realize this is a rather sensitive question, so no worries if you don't want to answer it.
I beleive that gracie barra has the largest number of BB competing at mundials this weekend, over 20 legit BB's including Roger and Otavio Souza

I wasn't saying they don't have legit black belts! I'm sure they have a BUTT load of talents guys!
Another question, if you don't mind ... was it profitable? I realize this is a rather sensitive question, so no worries if you don't want to answer it.

not at all! SOME schools make a sick amount of money! In the boroughs on NY (queens, brooklyn, staten Island, Manhatten etc)

Put it this way...I took over the school when it was making 18K a month. I got it up to making $42K/month and I only walked away with about $3,500/month before taxes lol

If the school made $42K and the expenses were $22K (advertising and shit is expensive there) there was a profit of $20K He takes 10% out to pay for his corporate office so thats $4,200. SO figure 16K profit. TSK takes HALF so me and my partner were left to split 8K!

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA To take in $42K and only walk with $4K is GROSS! So I left!

After taking the school from making $18 to making $42 I was forced to sell my shares for $30K LESS! He is a total douche! lol

But the schools in the boroughs makes upwards of $80K a month and there expenses are like $35K. Those guys are walking with $20/month......not bad to teach karate lol
But again there are only 5 or so of those schools reserved for the biggest ass kissers.

Oh and check this out....if you dont make expenses one month (if you are in the red) you have to pay back Schulmann next month when you DO make money! So when you profit, he takes half, when you don't profit you have to pay him back! He NEVER loses money while you bust your ass to run the school, train 5 days a week just to line his pockets!

HAHAHAHA organization is totally gross!!!

Anyway I dont mind answering these questions but lets keep this about Barra. Im curious how they have so many schools.
They all seem to be packed with Black belts.

Although I question any school (Jacksonville GB) that has Tommy from Power Rangers as a striking coach.
Gracie barra along with Humaita and Carlson gracie was one of the first bjj schools in brasil. Carlos gracie Jr took over Rolls gracie's school in barra and started developing students. Gracie barra has a ginormous amount of LEGIT BLACK BELTS. Gracie Barra has numerous former and current world champions and black belt who have trained with champions sinc white belt. That's is why if a barra black belt teaches at a school he will most likely be legit. Barra is legit. They just had a stable of QUALITY black belts to prepare for the bjj boom in the us.

And there's the key difference. In current (TSK) and upcoming (Toe-Hold clubs) operations, certifications are used to prepare instructors off what amounts to an assembly line. Barra had been grooming black belts for a long time and just had a glut to send out, who make more black belts after 7-10 years, who make more.

That's the correct way to perform geometric expansion.
The men behind Barra are practically responsible for sport jiu jitsu and the worldwide expansion that has and is still taking place.

A high number of schools does not make a McDojo. A high number of schools is simply an indicator of business success. While TSK can be considered a McDojo...it is a very successful McDojo.

Barra is NOT a McDojo but it is very successful. But you won't find Barra giving away belts.

you were training with Joey...Isn't he Barra lineage?
Gracie barra is not a mcdojo...do your research. They have lists of standards that they base their school off of.
I read somewhere (think it was the gracie barra home page) that the difference between affiliate and full school is the level of the instructor. Purple belt or below can only be an affiliate.



To become a part of the GB Family, you must comply with the set of rules and principles of good management and teaching practices established by the Gracie Barra Trademark License and Service Agreement in addition to the Gracie Barra Standardization Principles. See below for some of the main requirements:

They have lists of standards that they base their school off of.

What are these standards? i have never heard about this before, so i'm curious.

Gracie Barra have produced some of the best guys in the world, but at the same time how many questionable black belts have they produced?

Anyone who trains under gracie barra how does promotion work in your club?
I can really only speak for my school, and it is as legit as they come. Draculino is no joke and his instruction is top notch,, far far from a mcdojo, same for the Knoxville location. Who is under Samuel Braga, also amazing. other than those I can't say who or what.