Is he a GOAT or is he a DUCK?
Is he a calculated assassin or an inhibited scaredy cat?
Is he smart or is he an opportunist?
In 20 years time, will people look at him as someone who has done it all, or someone who should have done more?
Does he inspire or does he aggravate?
Bisping, Hendricks, Diaz, Condit, Shields,koscheck, hardy, alves, penn,fitch, serra, hughes, koscheck, hughes,penn, sherk, trigg, miller, parisyan, among others.
The problem with saying GSP ducked fighters is that during his reign and prime he fought only the best. There were no other fighters to face. I'm surely not aware of them. He defended his belt against a lot of different people. They were also almost all in their prime when he fought them. Granted the bisping fight both fighters were way past prime.
I think GSP now has the right to only fight who he wants. When GSP left, there was nothing else to prove in his division. Name a fighter he ducked before he stopped fighting. GSP doesn't have the energy to stay the champ for another run like he did. So why bother? I think what he's doing is picking money making fights. I'd prob do the same if I reached that point in my career.